View Full Version : BA to BKK and SYD?????

26th May 2008, 19:15
I dont know where to put this thread because it is to do with both Cabin and Flight Crews. Anyway here is my question.

When cabin and flight crews are operating the LHR-BKK-SYD-BKK-LHR OR LHR-SIN-SYD-SIN-LHR legs how many days rest to they get in BKK/SIN and SYD. Or do flight and cabin crews only operate the LHR-BKK/SIN sector while thai/singapore and austrailian crew operate the BKK/SIN-SYD sector or is all sectors done but with the LHR-BKK/SIN-LHR sector done with the crew based at LHR while the BKK/SIN-SYD-BKK/SIN done with sydney based british crews????

26th May 2008, 19:33
For LHR based crew, the trip overall covers 9 days.

You fly out to SIN or BKK late on day 1, have a couple of days, then fly to SYD. Nightstop, then fly back to SIN or BKK, have couple more days of rest, then operate the last sector back to LHR, arriving early on day 9.

It may sound like a lot of time down-route but the trip is actually exhausting and your body clock is all over the place.

We also have crew based in SIN. They operate against the grain so you will work with 4 sets of foreign based crew (ICCs).

Smell the Coffee
26th May 2008, 23:34
In addition to the above, BA don't employ Australian-based crew.

Carnage Matey!
26th May 2008, 23:35
Or Thai-based crew.

27th May 2008, 00:02
I hate to sound picky VS but just to "big up" :ok: the fatigue issues and to reinforce your point about (lack of) time off down route it's not really two days off in BKK/SIN it's two local nights (i.e. one complete day) each way, so on the nine day trip you get a total of two real daylight days off and an assortment of knackering GMT night sectors....

I used to do a lot of these :{ and whilst they were a good way of packing the work in I used to feel absolutely poleaxed for several days on return to the UK. Ah the glamour of Long Haul Flying.

BTW I, like Carnage, thought we unceremoniously dumped the Thai CC a few years ago.

27th May 2008, 05:15
I am genuinely ashamed that I had forgotten that we cut the BKK based crew. Shows you the last time I did the Kangaroo Route, doesn't it?

I remember doing the 'diff crew' 13 day trip once. Didn't know if I was coming or going.

27th May 2008, 08:23
Wouldnt it be easier for BA thought to employ Sydney Crews for the SYD-BKK/SIN sectors or is that not visable???

27th May 2008, 09:06
There is no way our unions would agree to that.

28th May 2008, 14:37
In the says when flights operated routings like LHR/BAH/BOM/SIN/SYD/BNE or LHR/DEL/BKK/SYD/AKL crews were based in Sydney. Certainly, in the case of FD crew, they were UK employees. They spent 6 months in Sydney and (from memory) operated everything east/south of Bangkok and Singapore. Using London based crews to operate all the sectors would have had people down route for up to a month at a time. With the advent of the -400 and the reduction in number of en route stops, combined with withdrawl from New Zealand, the current pattern was established.

Dick Deadeye
31st May 2008, 11:29
They spent 6 months in Sydney

Only thirteen weeks actually, although many would gladly have done six months!

With the advent of the -400 and the reduction in number of en route stops, combined with withdrawl from New Zealand, the current pattern was established.

Yes, that contributed...
..... as did some senior captains, by always whinging about how much money they were losing by not getting any LRP (Box) payments!!!!

Best quality of life ever in BA, and a few short sighted money grubbing idiots helped kill it. :\:mad::\

Short sighted or what!