View Full Version : The good ol' days

17th May 2008, 23:07
The following post from Lauderdale got me thinking about the past.

T14, where did it go?



Anyone know why T14 was removed and when? (Just leaves us with T9 and T16).

Not an earth shattering thread - but life will just not be the same without it.

RIP T14....................

Only been in the game 20 years in Ops, all European, but who remembers?:

The Days of the 'Regulator' prior to ARCS reception, when after 2 hrs on hold, you passed your message only to hear ' YOU WANT F*****G EAST NOT WEST!' click drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr OOOOps pressed the wrong speed-dial?

The days of BEANO, TOPPA and DANDI?


The whole of Europe on two sides of a Jepp chart?

What's your memories?

18th May 2008, 11:18
............the days when Barcelona FIR shut on Friday Nights and did'nt seem to re-open until Sunday.............oh the joy.

............not forgetting the wonderful french ATC strikes - can you imagine how much those re-routes would cost in fuel now !

18th May 2008, 14:57
Hey folks, yup lets bring back the early 70s, every fecker on strike from France, Spain to Greece. Great 72 hr shifts for pissed of staff, crew, pax. **** all we could do, at least then there weren't as many 'head banging' SLCs as there are now. Any one for pallet 1? no whinging Joe Pubic & a case of booze to keep one happy!

19th May 2008, 20:25
i tried to type a sita message yesterday on an old olivetti machine..now let me see was that zczc and then 5 spaces..and the tape needed correcting.. as for finding a telex machine anywhere to send it on..:-)

are berna radio still going or just stockholm..??

19th May 2008, 22:19
Only been in the game 20 years in Ops

Bored, I'll see your 20 and raise you a few! You bring back 'happy?' memories
of calls to the regulator (my personal favourite for upper green one KOK). Those guys should have been given happy pills before starting shift....

Now, the introduction of ARCS, that really was a piece of (new fangled) S**t to work with. How long did your request hang for or, was the kit just broke?

Happy days indeed.

The Moss:ok:

20th May 2008, 07:18
the days when ops managers had worked there way up through the ranks and werent the bullsh***iters they seem to be these days who seem to have no idea of how it works but can come up with a spreadsheet to produce pie graffs to show how many sh*ts you've had in a week.
i once worked in an operational centre - how many of you do ?
is it an operations centre or operational centre. vote now!!!!

20th May 2008, 09:28
It's a centre for the 'over enthusiastic, under payed, under valued' people like me who just can't get the hell away from the industry. Sad b'stard I am, but I still LOVE it, though I am very, very ill and reality retarded!

20th May 2008, 16:53
ops room when i started in '72-then operation (s ) was dropped due to language adaption..and we were called agents:ok:

Low life
22nd May 2008, 14:08
It’s not easy being a graph producing, No idea, useless, bullsh***iter,

Mr Angry from Purley
22nd May 2008, 16:52
When Ops made the tea, nato standard when you see me next :\

23rd May 2008, 09:35
Ere mate we are going back one decade at a time here...............

I'll ask me dad about NATO standard ;-)

Full Fat? I guess

23rd May 2008, 15:03
NATO standard, 4 tea (real black stuff, not yer herby ****e) bags per mug, 4 heaps of white sugar and ONLY Carnation condensed tinned milk. None of yer namby pamby semi skimmed stuff! Good ole bladder blackening brew.

Out Of Trim
23rd May 2008, 16:04
Speaking of the Regulator

- I remember the first time I tried to arrange flow control for one of Her Majesties' finest transport aircraft - I dialled the number and waited quite a long time until he answered "Regulator!" - being very green - I thought he'd said "Ring you later" and so of course I said OK and put the phone down.

Dohh! :uhoh: :ugh:

23rd May 2008, 21:12

You made a fine brew yourself in the KG days, these younger ones havn't
got a clue..........get the kettle on!

The Moss:ok:

23rd May 2008, 22:26
It's always time for a deliciously refreshing beverage in an ops room. You always get the ones who are brew shy, scared of the kettle.

Are they still called 'the ops room'? I've heard of a 'ops control centre' recently, pretty sure i once worked in an 'ops cell'....

24th May 2008, 19:45
Wot Anjin make the tea ????

Wasn't that the job for TEEENAAAAA !!!

Hope your fine mate....


25th May 2008, 09:17
I have a photograph of Nick A making a brew...........any offers........got to be worth a fortune !

25th May 2008, 16:13
I seem to remember The Moss would (quite rightly) become grumpy if a lack of tea became detected around the room.....:ok:

30th May 2008, 20:53
become grumpy

Shame on you....Shame on Youuuu............and a glass of white wine for the ladies!!

The Moss:ok:

1st Jun 2008, 22:02
I've heard of a 'ops control centre' recently

Yep, OCC has been all the rage of late in lots of airlines 'round this part of the world.

2nd Jun 2008, 05:37
indeed, but do u work in an operations centre or an operational centre.?