View Full Version : Jumpseat on SIA?

28th May 2000, 21:07
Whats the jumpseat policy for Singapore Airlines?
I'm flying out of Perth on the 9th June and am keen to spend the trip up front if possible.
Should I contact the Perth offices before I leave, request it once aboard?? Any feedback appreciated :)

28th May 2000, 22:41
There is no such thing as jumpseat on Singapore Airlines. It is possible to ride in the jumpseat but you need a ticket just like a passenger.

The jumpseat is not available to Singapore Airlines pilots either.

May I suggest Atlas Air(wonderful experience) or JAL/IASCO freight.

29th May 2000, 10:36
The jump-seat policy in SIA is much the same to-day as ten years ago, Captain's discretion, to employees and this can include employees from other carriers if they have sought permission from the airline.
As Gladiator says, a ticket is required.
Recently cockpit visits have been very much curtailed and exclude passengers, this is a security measure. Sorry, not much chance I would think.

29th May 2000, 10:52
Thanks for replying,
I do have a ticket already, I'm going to Singapore on Hols, just trying to get upfront. Malaysian let me 2yrs ago because the flight attendant let the Capt know I was a pilot. Guess I'll try the same with SIA and keep my fingers crossed

30th May 2000, 01:46
Hey greasediton, usually it depends on the Kapitan's mood. But from past experience it's been pretty much okay. Chances are you'll get a jumpseat for landing but not the T/O. Good luck and enjoy!

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I think,therefore I am Dangerous.
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