View Full Version : Helicopter rammed by campervan

12th May 2008, 09:58
Helicopter rammed by campervan
Monday, 12 May 2008
By REBEKAH LYELL of the Hokitika Guardian

A helicopter pilot’s good deed backfired on Friday afternoon, after a vehicle he had rescued from the mud shot forward and smashed into his helicopter. Kokatahi pilot Bruce Dando was flying near the Styx River and had just landed when he noticed a campervan had become stuck in the mud. “We pushed it out and I had just hopped back into my chopper and strapped myself in when the driver of the campervan put his foot down.” The campervan shot forward and slid into the helicopter, which had its blades running at full speed at the time. “It just went bang, straight into me. He just couldn’t slow down and lost control. The helicopter is completely written off, luckily I am fully insured.” Mr Dando and the driver of the campervan received minor cuts and scratches in the accident. “The crash inspectors are coming down this week to check it out. I guess the upside of the story is that I get a new helicopter to play with.

12th May 2008, 11:35
I mean, telling the newbies to be careful of feral animals, that may be half mad in the head because, - of disease - or lack of water - or they're just natural that way, is one thing.
But, mad grey nomads (who usually drive those stupid damm things) is entirely another, what's next a flying 100kg wheelchair, aaaah!!!

12th May 2008, 22:20
Might get an honourable mention in the Darwin Awards, even though the whole escapade is ultimately ineligible....

13th May 2008, 21:41
I guess the upside of the story is that I get a new helicopter to play with.

Good on you mate! I guess you are a "glass is half full" kind of guy. Have fun with your new helicopter! :ok:

13th May 2008, 23:19
Talking about a half full or a half empty glass...

An engineer would tell you that the glass was to big :}

13th May 2008, 23:27
Another example of why we need to assume that people do not know how to conduct themselves around a helicopter. Hundreds of thousands of dollars wasted because some guy could not wait for the helicopter to leave first- sad. :D