View Full Version : Shenzhen Golf Clubs

11th May 2008, 23:15
What is the contact info for the people that will get a set of clubs from Shenzhen and send them to you via FedEx?

Anyone done this before? How much did you spend and what did you get?

Many thanks.

The Messiah
12th May 2008, 02:23
If you don't have any luck with your request I suggest, go out to your backyard and gather about 200 US Dollars together, roll them all up as tightly as you can and........set fire to the lot.

Copy clubs are an experiment by the Chinese to see just what complete rubbish Westerners are prepared to pay for.

Dead Head
12th May 2008, 03:22
You are much better off going to Sports Authority/Golfsmith/GolfTown/Dicks etc. and getting their cheapest set. (most are quite good at this range)
They will perform better than any Shenzen specials.
If you're looking to pawn the knockoffs on Ebay, then by all means, get the pretty knock offs.

12th May 2008, 03:26
I know for a fact Taylor Made and maybe a few others have their factories in SZ. My boss went to the factory and got a custom made set for much cheaper than what it would have cost in the states. Sorry don't know any contact info though...

The Messiah
12th May 2008, 03:46
What a load of crap, and you don't have any more info..........what a surprise! While it is true that most clubs are now manufactured in China they are then shipped out to the USA or Europe etc and what is left is the rubbish. Any serious golfer can tell the difference.......any!

Next thing you'll be telling the old chestnut, "a pro had a hit with a copy club and couldn't tell the difference", pleeeease we've heard it all before.

Selling copy clubs on EBay as the real thing is fraud and the penalty should be a straight right to the head.

12th May 2008, 05:16
copy clubs 6 yrs ago wernt to bad , but the quality of them now you might as well try and weld a peice of metal to a mop handle as that will be better quality than a SZN copy! If you dont believe me I suggest the burning the money thing as that is what you will be doing!:ok:

12th May 2008, 07:13
To produce and sell copy clubs would be illegal, therefore would not possibly be available in China???:=

13th May 2008, 02:39
I was looking to get a set for my wife. She has never played so I didn't want to spend one months pay to have her hit one ball and decide to never play again. Is that a definate no for an unskilled player to use the Shenzhen specials?

13th May 2008, 13:02
You get what you pay for in Shenzhen, period. I bought a set of the supposedly 'good' copies. I threw them away not long after. Dont waste your time or money.

13th May 2008, 23:24
Quality is variable to say the least. I bought a set 2 years ago and am very happy with them. However a colleague bought some from the same place just recently (Shenzhen) and gave them away the quality was so bad. We compared them in look and feel. They were chalk and cheese in both respects. Caveat emptor....

Dead Head
14th May 2008, 04:41
The best part of any club will be in its shaft.
These shafts are horrible, inconsistent, and flex too much.
The paint will flake off even the best of the copies.
I bought a Honma copy driver (big $ Japanese clubs) for a friend's dad.
This 74 year old man caved in the face the first day at the range. My friend felt bad, and had to fork over $1100 us. for the real thing as we didn't tell them it was a fake.
On a side note, I can't wait to see the new 150 seat jet the Chinese are selling right now. Probably same quality.

16th May 2008, 07:23

I have one set from the second listing and have no complaints after 20 rounds(I still suck) Most people Fedex clubs themselves from HKG. The sellers only send as far as a HKG hotel, maybe they might I don't know.

Golden T Golf Pro Shop - At the Lok Ma KCR stop/ border crossing call for help finding directions to shop @ 1000 RMB w/ bag and travel bag
Mobile: 137144449168
HK mobile: 65449908
email: [email protected]

Green Grass Golf Pro Shop - Tell them you paid 900 RMB the last time you were there I like my Callaways
Sivia Wang
mobile: 13825790639
email: [email protected]
4th floor Lo Wu commercial center, stall # 4388 (floor plan near elevators on each floor)
Lo Wu is at the end of the KCR at Lo WU/ border crossing large black building (Canon sign on top) to right when you exit. Over 1200 stalls inside.