View Full Version : Singapore Airlines Cockpit Crew (Local)

Don Quixote
20th Apr 2000, 11:25


20th Apr 2000, 14:06
Bless you! You really should take something for that cold.

fly low, bite hard

20th Apr 2000, 20:19
Thanks for that enlightening comment
Don Quixote. Obviously put alot of thought in to that one before posting....NOT.

Anyhow, your reference to SIA local Tech Crew being kiasu may very well be the case for some. Since being Singaporean, the culture not surprisingly should be instilled in to them already. Hey, same deal for some Malaysians down the road. Even I picked a little kiasu-ism up myself when I first went to Singapore so it's not even confined just to locals. But may I ask what your point is by that? Are you trying to imply that company sop's go out the window and they all just fly the kiasu cowboy way?

I've been an avid reader of pprune for quite a while now. And as you can see from my number of postings, I prefer to speak when I feel it necessary and constructive. So, you could do better than that than to start a thread with one word. Especially when you intend to poke a contreversial comment at SIA local pilots.

Are you a pilot? you can e-mail me and in the future if we are so lucky enough to be flying our nice identical jets from Changi to London one evening with identical departure times, I'll make sure to arrive at Ops half an hour before your crew does so I can file for the optimum flight level before you do. Kiasu right?

Perhaps that'll give you something more to talk about.

Goodnight. It's been a long enough day for me.

20th Apr 2000, 20:49
KIASU ! sadly but true uh.
cownow hmmmmm.... i donno
but waiting 4 the bubble 2 burst ,... well
leadership by example( Senoir Minister LEE!?)
9V-STP = Shoot The Pakistanis
9V-STO = Singapore Turned Over
KI-ASU = Singapore Intl Airlines
something 2 ponder

The Prisoner
21st Apr 2000, 00:09
I thought 9V-STP was shoot the pilot! Infact we are refering to the Mexican F/O who was told to shut up about the incident. I believe that it was contract para guys who stormed the plane, the local Singaporean capt was "promoted" to 747-400, the F/O is now in Emirates!

21st Apr 2000, 09:33
Okay - you've got my curiosity all a quiver!

What is KIASU?????

24th Apr 2000, 20:13
If you guys want to talk about "Kiasu", how about this rather frequent occurance in Changi :
sitting there monitoring the Clearence frequency and jumping in to say that you are ready to pushback in 5 minutes and request an optimal flight level, 25-30 minutes before you are actually ready because you know that the other flight to LHR is scheduled to depart before you ?? Hence jamming up the optimal level.

And I am not referring to SQ pilots here.

[This message has been edited by Elevation (edited 24 April 2000).]

25th Apr 2000, 17:58
Kiasu is why you never see a buffet in Singapore.
MacDonalds had a Kiasu Burger that started the biggest debate in Singapore history i.e. is Kiasu good or bad? Is it what makes us the great nation we are? Is it exportable?

Kiasu means "me want everything now", we call it greed in the West, they call it a national pastime in the Lyin City

25th Apr 2000, 19:00
this word,kiasu, is now included in some dictionaries.......singaporeans' three k's syndrome being kiasu, kiasi, keboh

Kaptin M
26th Apr 2000, 03:36
KIASU n. adj.: A peculiarly Singaporean colloquialism used to denote the desire to be the first, with complete disregard for everyone else. An inability to queue, or wait for one's rightful position in order of serving. Kiasu persons vocabularly limited to "sorry, sorry" as he/she brushes aside aged/incapacitated/handicapped in the rush to be first. ~ so KIASU are you, lah. ~ he is very KIASU, lah.

26th Apr 2000, 05:02
you know, flies are just like that!! but at least we can swat them.
Whatever happened to that brave Australian FO that swatted a Singaporean with a pool cue, and, being threatened with jail, ran away back to Melbourne, Australia?? Last I heard, like almost all law matters in Singapore, the "victim" settled out of court. The FO had to pay off the Singaporean's apartment; around $170,000 if I remember correctly.

28th Apr 2000, 13:57
Good on those who dare to express their views about Singapore's Kiasu attitude!!!!! What's so hard about admitting you are Kiasu!!! So easylahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

28th Apr 2000, 20:13
For the life of me I fail to understand why you guys put up with this. For God's sake SIA is not what it used to be, plenty more jobs out there nowadays lah?