View Full Version : Asian Open Sky

Girl Flying School
6th Mar 2000, 14:29
If there was an open sky agreement for intra-asia traffic, which Asian airline do you think will come out ahead and which will be killed off? http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif

9th Mar 2000, 18:20
Probably none.
May be SQ !
http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

11th Mar 2000, 10:24
Probably SQ as the currently have the financial strength but I don't see this happening due to the political situation intra asia

Girl Flying School
11th Mar 2000, 17:15
In a true de-regulated system, location will play a big part in an airline's success. In this fantasy open-sky, I believe the Taiwan and HK carriers might have the advantage. They are located in the center of Asia.

I think the first to be killed off will be PAL. Lack of leadership and employee loyalty....dead meat!! :)

[This message has been edited by Girl Flying School (edited 11 March 2000).]

13th Mar 2000, 18:39
Hiya GFS, Long Time...

It may be HK and Taiwan leading the way but financially, SQ looks more likely due to its reserved assets overseas. They can and would be able wait things out if the situation does get ugly.

:) :) :) :)

Girl Flying School
14th Mar 2000, 09:43
So Singapore Inc. is the favorite. If governments (airport operators) are allowed to form a join venture such as Changi/SIA partnership, then you will see a good fight between CLK/CX, TPE/EVA, and even MIA/PAL.

Once China allows direct flight between Taiwan and the mainland then CLK/CX will be revert back to second class citizen.

14th Mar 2000, 15:59
GFS you used to have an email address ?? how can I email you to get some advice ??


Girl Flying School
14th Mar 2000, 16:42
What do you need advice for, stock tips, sexual healing, or psychological???? Anything but aviation!! You can drop me a line on ICQ 11662957. See ya! http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif