View Full Version : Bachelor of Aviation

11th Feb 2000, 21:00
Didi anyone know anything about the Bachelor of aviation course organised by the Singapore Aviation Academy ? Is it recognised in Singapore or any other countries ?

13th Feb 2000, 10:39
Originally posted by skimmer38:
Didi anyone know anything about the Bachelor of aviation course organised by the Singapore Aviation Academy ? Is it recognised in Singapore or any other countries ?

It's my understanding that the degree offered by the Singapore Aviation Academy is very much oriented towards airport management. It's recognised in Singapore of course (at least with CAAS) and the SEA region but not sure if you are looking further afield. Best to check with the school.

15th Feb 2000, 03:03
The BAv (Aviation Management) is actually run by Massey University in New Zealand via SAA. Best to give them a call!

Yaw Dampers. Don't leave home without it!