View Full Version : Singapore Sights

13th Jun 2000, 01:15
I'm on a 3 day stop-over in Singapore from 1 July, can anyone tell me the best places to go for sightseeing, food etc.

Kaptin M
13th Jun 2000, 03:43
Just for YOU, Velvet, try Desker Road, after 8pm, and Geylang. Keep your eyes open, you might find Slasher in both/either of these places!!

For grrrreat seafood, take a taxi to the UDMC Seafood Centre, on the ECP [East Coast Parkway]...you've gotta have the chilli crab, though you might prefer it pepper style.

Take a trip to the zoo [SIA's HQ, on Changi Road]...no, I mean the Singapore Zoo, and being a man-eater yourself, you'd probably enjoy the crocodile park at Jurong, and/or the nearby bird park.

Suggest if you're going to head out for a day that involves a bit of distance, hire a taxi for all day, at a pre negotiated rate [$80-$90 Sing dollars should keep both of you happy], but make sure he speaks good English, lah.

Remember, there is NO such thing as a "fixed price", in Singapore, regardless of what the signs or the shopkeeper says!!

Have fun.

13th Jun 2000, 03:51
Absolutely spot ON Kaptin M. (he is GOOD Velvet S!) One last thing - if you get time. A round of golf on Sentosa Island,it's relatively cheap and you can go around with only a 5 iron and putter! Take the chair lift over and there are some nice eating places as well. Little more expensive, but what the hell, your on holidays in Singapore!

13th Jun 2000, 08:49
The night safari at the zoo is excellent, don't forget a drink at Clarke or Boat Quay.

13th Jun 2000, 21:20
Kaptin M - you're so good to me. Thanks for the info, I shall use it wisely. Crocodile park - nah, a certain person has been enough gnashing and snapping for me. I don't eat men, just nibble delicately around the edges. Birds and Zoo though sound good.

Sorry Whiskery don't play golf - prefer a more active sport - sailing, skiing, squash etc. But thanks for the advice, much appreciated.

14th Jun 2000, 16:58
you said it Kaptin M:

"Remember, there is NO such thing as a "fixed price", in Singapore, regardless of what the signs or the shopkeeper says!!"

Now SIA, about that contract and bond.......

Kaptin M
18th Jun 2000, 02:03
So how's it going, Velvet?

We'll be interested in getting a report from you - it'll be a break from the daily deluge of diatribe we are subjected to, from Gladys and Titan....now there's a very civilised drink in Singapore, a G&T [guess you've already sampled the Singapore Sling!!]

18th Jun 2000, 04:15
Kaptin M, I wonder how you guys all put up with them. I have to say that your posts are remarkably reasoned and patient with them. Been keeping you too busy though, you have been sadly missed in JB.

I leave on 30 June and stop over for 3 days. I will do my best to find an internet cafe in Auckland, or Singapore. Pity you're in Japan, could have showed me the sights. Still I will try out some of the places you mentioned - thanx

Have you seen that Circe has compared me to a Maiden Aunt. Now that's one I haven't been called before.

18th Jun 2000, 07:43
JB?.........Johor Bahru

Kaptin M
18th Jun 2000, 08:42
Jake's bordello, Titan!

Sometimes I've got to work, Velvet...according to my contract, I'm required to put an appearance in sometimes. Looks like Singapore Airlines aren't the only ones who expect people to honor their terms and conditions of employment.

18th Jun 2000, 19:02
Ooomph Kaptin M, that was a bit low. <Rubbing stomach>

I'll put that down to Gladiator, it was only a passing (not a serious) comment, you obviously know Singapore well.

And yes, the girls in Jakes have missed you. Any chance of a re-appearance when your schedule permits. Slasher is having a hard time coping with all the babes. In fact he's so distracted he recently offered one of his nuts as a bet involving Sierra.

Stroke me and I purr rrrrrr I'm such a sensual babe

but remember I have claws as well

[This message has been edited by VelvetStrokes (edited 18 June 2000).]

19th Jun 2000, 05:28
I was in Singapore last week and I would recommend visiting the 70th floor of the Westin Stamford - The Compass Rose, went their for drinks at night - SPECTACULAR VIEWS!

ps: happy hour ends at 7:30 so make the most of it :)

20th Jun 2000, 19:04
VelvetStrokes, if you are looking for a nice meal, try looking around Chijmes courtyard, which is just across the road from Raffles and the Westin Stamford (Raffles City MRT station). I would also try Newton Circus (right at Newton MRT station) for something a bit more local. If you have time, you could also take a cab to Holland Village and have a look around there for some 'bits and pieces'. Boat Quay and Clarke Quay should definitely be visited at night for a few drinks. If you get fed up with Orchard Road for shopping, take a trip to Little India or Arab Street for a change, lah. :)

If you're desperate for the internet, there is the CyberHeart cafe underneath the Orchard Parade Hotel. But you shouldn't have any problems finding one anywhere on this internet-crazy island.

Have fun!

[This message has been edited by Talula (edited 20 June 2000).]

Kaptin M
22nd Jun 2000, 06:28
BTW Velvet, check out the Merlion [merman-lion] that you see on most things associated with Singapore - you'll be surprised at the size of it!!

GreasedItOn & Talula, have made a few good recommendations, as well, and the merlion is about 10-15 minute walk from the Westin.

Take cash from home with you, and change it at the money changers, for a far better rate than you'll get where you are, and the banks.
To pick up an extra few cents in the dollar, tell the money changer you're aircrew. [There's a little Indian guy on the left side [inside]of Lucky Plaza, as you enter via the ramp, in the sidestreet that runs off Orchard Road, alongside C.K. Tang's - you'll recognise him by the well greased kiss curl on his forehead - who'll give you a good deal]


[This message has been edited by Kaptin M (edited 22 June 2000).]

22nd Jun 2000, 13:01
velvet strokes - for seafood try upper east coast road, past bayshore road - chinese place called hwa you wee - sit out back....
leave your hands off chili crab, no matter what they say about them - chili crabs only numb your buds.

Kaptin M
30th Jun 2000, 00:19
Bon Voyage, Velvet, enjoy the SQ service en route Singapore.

Give me a call...if I'm not on the 4th floor at Changi Road, I'll be around at Harry's [LKY's] house, planning how next to trick some of those naieve angmo boys into parting with their Daddy's money!!

P.S. Let's know if you find a cat with a full length tail......they're worth big money, here.

30th Jun 2000, 14:34
One of the truly great Singapore sights is Singapore from the air after a heavy rain - approach to 02L is ideal. The sewer ducts not only spew out a gorgeous meridian brown but a floating,sparkling flotsam made up of bottles, cans , plastic containers, and just about every type of rubbish imaginable: A truly glorious sight! That such a clean city could put on such a mind numbing show is one of the last great unsolved mysteries.

30th Jun 2000, 20:28
Titan - get a life, you're such a boor / bore.

As for the rest thanks for your responses, I shall enjoy Singapore. I really appreciate your input.

1st Jul 2000, 18:25
Prissy Computer connection tries to tell me I'm not part of Prune - hmmmmm

Anyway, great trip with SIA - though they now have a policy which precludes anyone going onto the flight deck (flight crew excepted). So unable to chat with Captain and FO. Sure I could have aleviated their boredom some how. He sounded an Ozmate too.

Well, Hotel overlooks Clarke Quay - and fantastic views of the river. Took a stroll, stopped off at the Shack for a beer, then a river boat ride (courtesy of SIA) and back for some much needed rest.

Tomorrow I'm going to check out the zoo and bird park - again courtesy of SIA. So far looking good guys. Love this place. 30c and moist; but feels great, balcony door open to the night air. Wonderful to wander and not have to wear a sweater or coat.

Wooooohhoooooo what a great life

Stroke me and I purr rrrrrr I'm such a sensual babe

but remember I have claws as well

1st Jul 2000, 23:33
New policy of not allowing passengers into the cockpit. The reason is security.

Legal matters? Actually concerened about security? Not sure if the passenger has or has not consumed alcohol?

The bottom line is passenger security. It was worth the effort.

Frank M
2nd Jul 2000, 01:49
Hi Velvet,

hope I'm not too late, but if you like active sports, go sailing at the East Coast Sailing Club (your crew ID will act as membership-card..) or go water-ski-ing.
Try these guys : William Water Sports Center, 60 Jalan Mempurong (Sembawang Sea Sports Club)
Singapore 759058, tel:2575859.

As I said, hope you haven't left yet..



Emma Roids
2nd Jul 2000, 12:37
Hi Velvet,
try getting onto a high rise balcony with a good view during a storm, Singapore storms can be spectacular and unforgettable.
Enjoy SIN.

2nd Jul 2000, 14:13
Looks like Emma Roids has been invented just for this forum.

Freedom of Speech - don't you just love it guys?! What an amazing concept. Just imagine what it would be like to live your REAL lives this way; to say what you feel and not be afraid. This is worth crusading for. The Dream truly is alive if you want it to be.

Good luck........

2nd Jul 2000, 17:16
Well despite the best efforts of Gladys and the pip squeaks, Titania and assorted fairies, I really have enjoyed it.

I have another day, but shall be checking out of my hotel round mid-day and so will not have time to post again from Singapore. I have an overnight flight onwards to Auckland and who knows when I might be able to get back to a terminal.

Bird park and zoological gardens well worth a visit, and I nearly brought home a very flirtatious monkey. Not sure what that says about me or his taste, but an enchanting time nevertheless. Must admit, never had a guy leap from a tree into my arms, still you know how fickle these foreigners can be - doubt I'll ever hear from him again.

3rd Jul 2000, 03:50
Always trying hard to suck me into an argument.

Your Profile: Professional chat room participant looking for something different.

Interests: Wants to get laid by a pilot.

Favorite movie: An Officer and a Gentleman

Marital status: Divorsed, can't get a date.

Physical profile: What do you think if it has to resort to the internet.

I dedicate this VOR to you, CZI.

Classic Dick
3rd Jul 2000, 14:17
You really are a nasty piece of work Gladiator.

Velvet, please ignore this rabble,his rubbish is not worthy of reply.

[This message has been edited by Classic Dick (edited 03 July 2000).]

3rd Jul 2000, 14:27
Well said CD but I know that Velvet S is too good in every department for this clown, so no need to worry.

You really are a goose Gladys!

3rd Jul 2000, 14:30
Oh...and Velvet, hope you enjoyed Singapore! Still reckon I could get you on the golf course one of these days - it's a very relaxing pastime after all the physical stuff!!

[This message has been edited by Whiskery (edited 03 July 2000).]

Classic Dick
3rd Jul 2000, 14:40
Hello Whiskery old Chap.

Spoke to your old Chief Pilot the other day in Prestwick,he wants you back you know. He can't understand what's keeping you down in the colony when all the action is back here in good old Mother England.
We are even winning cricket matches again. Ashes are within our reach so don't get too cocky. Didn't like Shane's little effort - anyway, not exactly aviation so will email you.

Chin Chin.


3rd Jul 2000, 18:44
What gives you the idea that my comments were directed towards this person. Does the shoe fit?

If the shoe fits then .....

I'd rather
3rd Jul 2000, 20:51
"What gives you the idea my words were directed towards this person?"

er, try the bit where you wrote "Your profile:" in response to Velvet's post...

really, if you have this much trouble with the basics, goodness knows how you ever managed all those dials and things...

Velvet: (and I'm sure you don't need me to tell you this) just ignore him. Hope the holiday's going well.

Jack Schitt
4th Jul 2000, 10:01
Gladys & Tits,
Stay in your own Topics.
You certainly have enough of them.


Kaptin M
4th Jul 2000, 10:23
Here, here, Jack....good to see you up and at it again.

The more posts I read emanating from the Gladys and Tit Sewing Circle, the more I'm convinced THEY don't know Jack Schitt...

...but they ARE very quick to jump to conclusions, which are invariably the wrong ones [invariably=100%, in their cases].

G'day Classic Dick, I'm honoured to be able to say I also had the pleasure of your witty company, back in the not so dim past.

8th Jul 2000, 10:40
Just imagine if Gladys and his motley assorted pip squeaks liked me - aarrrrgggghhhhh

Now that really would be grounds for hari kari

But oh God, I wish they'd learn to spell, use accurate grammar, syntax, participles, sentence construction etc. Basic English really. No Gladys, Titania and assorted fairies you do not use nor comprehend English sufficiently to be even moderately challenging opponents. Have any of you thought about basic primary education?

Whiskery - I reckon you just might get me on the golf course one day - you smoothie you

[This message has been edited by VelvetStrokes (edited 08 July 2000).]

8th Jul 2000, 11:51
Classic Dick VS asked for it. BTW I really liked you, I think you are a nice guy R.P. even though I do not care for DC-10s.

[This message has been edited by Gladiator (edited 08 July 2000).]

10th Jul 2000, 04:08
By VS:

"But oh God, I wish they'd learn to spell, use accurate grammar, syntax, participles, sentence construction etc. Basic English really. No Gladys, Titania and assorted fairies you do not use nor comprehend English sufficiently to be even moderately challenging opponents. Have any of you thought about basic primary education"?

We reflect the quality of pilots hired at Singapore Airlines. Have you gotten l**d by Johnny or Charlie yet?

[This message has been edited by Gladiator (edited 10 July 2000).]