View Full Version : Premiair-Night of the long knives

30th Apr 2008, 11:51
Seems quite a few of the top (or at least, nominated), neddies at Premiair are or have voted with their feet recently!:(

A bit unusual for a company with a normally loyal workforce:confused:

30th Apr 2008, 13:15
Their excellent Ops Manager was recently dismissed by the misguided powers that be.

Nice of them to give her to the end of the day to clear her desk after so many years of tireless service.

We all miss you J. :O


30th Apr 2008, 15:00
I hear that the charter Chief Pilot went recently

Brilliant Stuff
30th Apr 2008, 23:48
Yupp sorry to see J go she looked after me very well.:ok::ok:

I wish her the very best for the future.

1st May 2008, 22:03
I heard on the rumour netwok that several pilots have now left along with a couple of Ops - has someone in management thrown their toys out of the pram, or is there a new company starting up around london?:oh: