View Full Version : Dragonair near miss or not near miss?

25th Apr 2008, 12:04
This afternoon flight KA834 from HKG to PVG went in close distance of Fedex flight during the approach to PVG. Apparently the trajectories were conflicting.

I am not sure if a near miss has been reported.

25th Apr 2008, 12:25
If 2 A/C get close shouldn't it be termed a NEAR HIT.

25th Apr 2008, 12:31
FAA calls them officially Near Collision !

25th Apr 2008, 15:41
Sorry to burst your bubble, fjouve, but I can assure you the trajectories were definitely not conflicting. If you'd been as close as you've claimed, you'd have noticed that it was UPS and not Fedex. He was entering the hold as we exited and never got closer than 2000' vertically, which is a pretty standard separation in a holding pattern.

I guess it was the 25 deg of bank looking up at him that got your palms sweaty!

25th Apr 2008, 23:03
Good to hear, that's why I had a question mark.

But it was definitively a Fedex A/C not UPS