View Full Version : Faa Agi(i)

19th Apr 2008, 11:13
Need a bit of advice here from anyone who has gone this route...
I'm currently studying for an FAA ground instructor rating (AGI) and will then need to get the instrument add-on (AGII)...
I"m working with 2 Gleim publications; "Fundamentals of Instructing" and "Flight/Ground Instructor".
It's not clear from the pre-amble where studying for a ground instructor rating differs from the flying instructor rating... and I'm trying to avoid wasting time learning stuff that doesn't apply to me.

Have to admit I'm finding the studying about as interesting as eating my way through 20 kilos of dried biscuits.... Having studied numerous a/c systems over the past 20 odd years and for the most part enjoyed it I'm now faced with such fascinating material as:

Q. "Insights as applied to Learning involve a Persons .... ? "

A. "Grouping of Associated Perceptions into a Meaningful Whole". :hmm:

Sorry... did I nod off there for a moment...

There has to be an easier way to jump through this hoop... Over the years I've introduced countless newbie F/Os into the world of aviation and seen them go succesfully on their way to great things... and all without the benefit of tripe like that Q above...

22nd Apr 2008, 16:00
AGI and IGI are the easiest test you can take. Basically you have to take one test for FOI (fundamentals of instructing), one test for the ground instructor and another for the instrument instructor.
The questions for the instrument are the same ones used for the instrument rating and the advanced ground instructor questions are the same one flight instructors use. Thats why it makes sense to take those test while you are doing your flight training because you study the same material anyway.
Once you passed the 3 tests, take the results to the local FSDO and the inspector will issue you the license with no additional testing.
Most people memorize the questions and take the tests. Is it a good idea? i dont think so. BUT is it an easy way? Yes.

Just make sure you study all the questions. As an AGI you are allowed to teach anything. So dont be suprised to see questions related to helicopters or gyroplanes.
If you have plans to become a flight instructor, the ground instructor certificates are useless. So dont waiste time and money. Just focus on the CFI training.

22nd Apr 2008, 16:04

I have shared your pain, holder of all FI and GI ratings, I can assure you that there is no other way around it. Good news nonetheless, once you get the Fundamentals of Instruction (FOI) out of the way, you never have to see it again...that is untill you do a renewal.
The test is mere attempt by the FAA to instill a K-12 teaching basics level to flight and ground instructors, so that they may merit the term instructor. Anecdote, there are few states out there that will accept pilots as substitute teachers so long as they can provide a proof of having completed the FOI examination.
In my teaching carreer (flight primary), I can assure you that I have actually used the FOIs on many occasions, and although most of it sounds like utter bollocks, a good portion of it is worth its weight in gold.
If you were a training Captain, you have already used them, you just need to get yourself familiar with the language and semantics of this pseudo- science.
Best of luck, chewing your way through this dry biscuit. ;)

22nd Apr 2008, 16:09
If you have plans to become a flight instructor, the ground instructor certificates are useless. So [don't waste] time and money. Just focus on the CFI training.

On the contrary my friend, it is proof of perseverance, and it is a requirement the day that you go update your FI for a gold seal one.
I encourage anyone to do the GI ratings, if anything they will set you apart from the "time building instructor" to the ranks of a true professional, with higher standards.

22nd Apr 2008, 21:00

Thanks to you both for that... straightened a couple of things out for me..

I notice that the "Principle of Intensity'states that "... a vivid , dramatic, or exciting experience teaches you more than a routine and boring experience."....(more Nobel prizewinning material)...

The phrase involving practising and preaching comes to mind...

13th Dec 2009, 18:58
I am looking for a school whom would do the classroom portio required for the AGI FAA license.
I'm in south FL but had had no luck finding a school (ATP and a few others) that teaches this.
What school did you attend? Maybe they'd know one in the Ft. Lauderdale area.
If you can provide some info, it will be appreciated.

19th Dec 2009, 06:20
there are very few schools that provide this kind of structured cource, maybe on the tail-end of an advanced instructors course, classroom-wise, after you've paid for a CFI-A, -I, -ME course....

save yorself some money:
study the question-bank, take the written...and it's yours for life (it never expires).