View Full Version : COS 08 CANADA pay

18th Apr 2008, 23:27
Can someone in the know pls post the payscales for Canadian based FO's under the new terms of service (COS 08)???

Additionally, how does CX deal with commuting ie I want to work out of YVR and live somewhere nicer and cheaper like YQQ/YLW......any ideas out there? Can commuters jump on any WJ/AC flight for cheap?

Pls advise.....and

Thanks in advance!

18th Apr 2008, 23:50
hwo are you going to work out of YVR? the wait there is like a couple of years

19th Apr 2008, 03:13
DEFO PAX guys are being hired onto the base as we speak on the airbus.

19th Apr 2008, 07:00
fcukin' hell

Leaving HKA
19th Apr 2008, 09:46
ZED fare on AC, but commute at your own risk.

Better buying paid flights to work and ZEDing home from YLW

Five Green
19th Apr 2008, 15:38
Yep ! Have a few friends who joined 2004-2005 and are still SOs . Meanwhile their buddies who stayed away, and flew Dash and Rjs, are now getting hired into the N. American bases ahead these SOs.

So basically they would have been better off staying away from here and not getting three years experience in the company.

That would be a bitter pill !

So much for seniority !!


19th Apr 2008, 15:46
Don't worry, our fearless HKAOA will take care of this...:mad:

19th Apr 2008, 18:20
Thanks for the commuting info. Any idea of the Canadian payscales for DEFO? Anyone??

19th Apr 2008, 18:27
And how many times would you have to commute per month on average?

20th Apr 2008, 00:16
2005...offered a position at CX and AC
If I had chosen AC, I would be a captain in early 07, making over 100k Cdn a year.
Now, at CX, still jumping through hoops proving that I can fly an airplane, waiting for an upgrade course, making 78k Cdn a year, after bypass pay.
Have friends joining with a course date before me as DEFO in YVR starting at 95k/yr, with a 6% payrise per year for the next three years. Same experience, except I have three more years of 'CX' time. BTW 3% raise for me!
The worst career decision I have made...you bet!

20th Apr 2008, 00:51
My heart bleeds YZ250F. On what aircraft would you have had a command at AC exactly?

20th Apr 2008, 03:12
Embraer 190,
not a huge aircraft, but better pay and position.

20th Apr 2008, 03:41
Not quite true..

in HKG your getting 54K (7,000 CDN) a month housing... and if you haven't bought then you definetly picked the wrong place to work.

If you're a year 3 SO on Bypass you actually make close to 100K a year CND, only pay 15% tax at most, likely much less. Little things like 13th month/ and profit share too aren't being mentioned. or 15% Provident.

If you were @ AC for the past 2 years you would have earned 90 K TOTAL for both years (including Perdiems).

So CX/Dragon.. First 3 years 758ish year 1, 800 ish year 2, and now with Bypass and full housing..1.250.000 (HKD all) - 360,000 CDN

To review : CX first 3 years around 360,000 CDN
AC first 3 years around 180,000 CDN

Taxes in Canada 30-40 %
Taxes in HKG 15% MAX.

20th Apr 2008, 03:53
Not to mention the JFO stuff we have to do, while your friends will be RQ after they have fininshed their training sectors. Two people similar qualifications, one has been with the company 3 years, the other 3 months, and the person with 3 years has to prove themselves for 6 months as a JFO and do a QL, while the newhire doesn't?????
Makes sense to me????
I think YZ250F is mainly bitter about the DEFO's taking the basings before he gets a shot at it, then having no chance to get on a base when they are full, and I think if he knew that when he was hired, that his chance of getting back home was going to be seriously imparied by DEFO's onto the bases, he might have changed his mind.
However AAIGUY is right, if you haven't bought then you aren't fully taking adavantage of the reason for being in HK. My March pay (Pay/House/Profit) as a yr 3 SO on bypass was equiv to 20,000 CND before tax(largest monthly pay I've ever had), that is more than half the yearly 1st year Pay at Air Canada before tax, so I figure I'm way ahead, compared to being at any company in Canada, so long as we get housing, and the housing market doesn't slump!!!!!???!!!

20th Apr 2008, 06:55
Don't get me wrong...the housing allowance is great, I should have bought sooner.
Bypass pay is 50409/7.8=6462*12=77552Cdn.
You have to pay tax on your housing, which effectively doubles your tax on income. eg. paying tax on approx. 100k (salary + housing) is 15k, which is 30% of take home salary, 50k.
Everyone receives PF, and profit share, 13th month is a HKG only perk.
True, all in all, a better monetary package here.
Came to CX to get ahead in the industry, seeing people jump ahead of me and doing better at other companies makes me question my move.

20th Apr 2008, 07:22
Your Air Canada mate making 100K will be paying over 30% in tax as well he may have a mortgage say 1500/mo well that equals 48% of his 100K, Not to mention he hasn't put anything into his retirement plan out of that yet, and there won't be any 13th month or profit share??
I know how you feel about people coming in jumping the line and filling all the bases, when the rest of us happen to be on the wrong fleet, or aren't assesed as suitable yet???
Could you imagine the stink at Air Canada if they had a equipment bid that showed positions open for A340 in YVR and they told some EMB F/O in YYZ that had been with the company 3 years sorry those position are going to new hires off the street. Don't think that would go down too well. Mind you, you think our training system is backlogged, could you imagine if we had to do the amount of conversions like AC where guys are changing equipment almost every bid. But there has to be a happy median, this Joker thing is exactly that, a Joke!!!

20th Apr 2008, 07:45
imagine all this, for the locals who DON"T get housing.

20th Apr 2008, 08:17

I appreciate that some of you are upset about basings, DEFO's etc. However, it seems that this thread has taken a little turn!

Many of you are obviously employed with CX and have much inside info that others do not - any chance you could post some of that info ie DEFO payscales in Canada?:hmm:

Santorum - I've tried a search to no avail. Trust me when I say that I certainly do not expect it all to be "handed to me on a platter". I'm merely trying to get one little tidbit of info that I cannot find despite searching all over the place. No need for coming at me with the big guns, fella.

Thanks in advance.


20th Apr 2008, 09:45
Here ya go cheezy

F/O Yr1 92,112
F/O Yr2 93,960
F/O Yr3 95,844
F/O Yr4 109,716
Sn F/O Yr1 130,224
Sn F/O Yr2 132,828
Sn F/O Yr3 135,492
Sn F/O Yr4 138,192
Sn F/O Yr5 140,964
Sn F/O Yr6 143,772
Capt Yr1 187,980
Capt Yr2 191,736
Sn Capt Yr1 195,588
Sn Capt Yr2 199,488
Sn Capt Yr3 203,472
and so on to
Sn Capt Yr17 268,476
As a DEFO on a base you can expect to get stuck at Sn F/O Yr6 pay point for about 3 or more years so time to Capt will be around 13+ years

20th Apr 2008, 09:57
Just as a comparison if you were hired before Jan 1 2008 the pay scale would be
F/O Yr1 114,480
F/O Yr2 116,472
F/O Yr3 118,800
F/O Yr4 121,176
Sn F/O Yr1 126,024
Sn F/O Yr2 129,804
Sn F/O Yr3 133,704
Sn F/O Yr4 137,712
Sn F/O Yr5 141,840
Sn F/O Yr6 146,112
Capt pay is same.
And hopefully these COS will go up, by what % and what we have to give up to get it ????????????
In case you are wondering thats 72,720 diff. over the first 10 years.

20th Apr 2008, 15:22
Thanks for the info DDDOF. Pretty sad to see the changes over the first 10 yrs with the new payscales though.:yuk:

Hopefully they raise the pay back to the old levels at some point - could do something to stem the tide of those leaving as well.
