View Full Version : How many times did you try for SQ?

9th Aug 2001, 05:16
Hi all,

Was wondering is there anyone out there who have applied numerous times and got in finally? Also, I was wondering is there anyone who got re-applied after an unsuccessful final interview and got in finally? Will appreciate your comments and the steps taken.


9th Aug 2001, 22:38
I've applied on an annual basis since 1989, but they didn't even bother to contact me. I gave up after 1997. As Lee mentioned on another post, "It's SQ's loss, not mine." Rightly so. Got a great job now and will not bother again.

10th Aug 2001, 10:37
Hi all,

thanks for the reply. will appreciate more feedback from anyone who has been through it. thinking of re-applying but was told to throw my plans into the trash can. want to gather some comments before i finally decide. really wish I have right of residency in HK so I can apply to CX. much better pay and benefits no matter how you look at it. CX's housing allowance for a FO is about the same as the total pay and allowance of a SQ FO. way much better that it makes SQ look like a dwindling airline.

then again, for me it is the SQ way or no way. funny how I want to join SQ when i earn more than a SFO in SQ. i guess it is passion. it is passion that is so important and if only SQ knows that.
