View Full Version : 'Snapshot' at Finningley

16th Apr 2008, 10:35


Note to driver, as far as I know, they don't charge any extra for putting all the wheels on the ground ...:D

16th Apr 2008, 20:29
Sentinel sure is ugly.

Al R
16th Apr 2008, 21:53

Holy moly, thats ugly.

16th Apr 2008, 22:00
Is that 5 Sqn's maple leaf on the tail, and did I not read recently that 5 was to get Typhoons soon? If so, what happens to these ugly b*st*rds? With a bit of luck there's only one of them.

stbd beam
16th Apr 2008, 22:28
......... boy oh boy that sure is the ugliest of children ....

16th Apr 2008, 23:43
With a bit of luck there's only one of them.

Tis 5 Sq's badge and apparently there's five of them, this being Number 1, according to my 'binker' friends.

17th Apr 2008, 01:01
......... boy oh boy that sure is the ugliest of children ....

Ewww yes .. a bit like a teenager perhaps? Lots of natural beauty, spoilt only by the presence of some minging zits :eek:

17th Apr 2008, 04:04
The badge on the side of the cockpit is the crest of the City of Lincoln. Waddington aircraft have worn that for many years, since the station received 'Freedom of the City'

17th Apr 2008, 05:48
Although the Sentinel is hideously ugly, it isn't even close to being as ugly as the Nimrod '2000'.....aka MRA4 :yuk:!!

17th Apr 2008, 07:03

I'll call your MR4 and raise to Nimrod AEW3! Now that was ugly, although probably not as bad as some of those who flew in it......

Is this this thread changing to ask what was the ugliest aircraft ever built?

17th Apr 2008, 10:18
MRA4 maybe a bag of s*** but it aint ugly.
Actually atempting to fly today. (don't count on it!!!)

17th Apr 2008, 11:19
As they say, handsome is as handsome does.

So does the Sentinal work yet?

17th Apr 2008, 11:31
Are the treasury getting windows on the drip?, buy two this year, add two next year etc until they get a full set ;)

17th Apr 2008, 11:37
It looks as though three strips of insulating tape are holding the front of the lower pannier on to the rest of it . . .

17th Apr 2008, 11:51
The face that only a mother could love...

This calls for a new thread - 'Ugly ac through the years'. Shall we start with the Amiot 143?


17th Apr 2008, 14:06
Applying the old adage that 'if it looks right - it will fly right', this thing should be consigned to the hangar!

H Peacock
17th Apr 2008, 18:58
Applying the old adage that 'if it looks right - it will fly right', this thing should be consigned to the hangar!

Well, by all accounts, the Sentinel is a dream to fly. Loadsa power and very responsive controls. It even has a rather modern glass cockpit.

Anyway, what is the point in unnecessarily wearing out the nosewheel on the runway?
