View Full Version : A Day (Available day)!?

7th Apr 2008, 19:55
So what's the story on A days? Do we have to answer the phone on A days? And also do we have to answer on the G day prior to A day for the A day assignment??

7th Apr 2008, 20:08
Never mind, Vol 1 Sec. 3.15 and it's pretty much yes to all my questions.

It says in 15.3 that crewmembers based outside hong kong may elect not to be rostered foy any available days. How do you elect this and if you did would they roster you for a reserve day then instead?

7th Apr 2008, 20:42
No mate, can the A day and you'll be off scott free. What do you reckon?

8th Apr 2008, 01:07
I don't know chap, I always reckon the worst and expect the bizzarre with this taco stand hence the reason for asking.

8th Apr 2008, 01:59
A day is good if you are commuting to the port you operate out of. your other option is reserve, where you would have to be alot closer to the airport.

8th Apr 2008, 02:12
HWF, crew direct, its under request, then joker GDO & lifestyle request.

if you're new, it's worth spending some time kicking about intracx to see whats in there.

8th Apr 2008, 02:36
Take the reserve days if you are within 2 hrs of the airport.
A days are just free reserve and are only useful if you live away from the base ,and need the 10 hrs they give you to get to work.

8th Apr 2008, 03:44
are only useful if you live away from the base ,and need the 10 hrs they give you to get to work.

or want the 10 hours to stop drinking and be legal.:)

8th Apr 2008, 04:17
Doesn't Res give the company more flexability than A days, due to the notice required to change an A day to a duty??
Do people who choose Res get called more than people who choose A days even if you live close to home base??
Seems to be why HKG based crew are PX'd from HK to crover sickness calls of based guys, because no one on RES and not enough time to get an A day guy in to cover flight???
Just wondering

8th Apr 2008, 07:13
you dont get payed for A days but you do for res!
They roster more A days it seems because that gives them more flexibility.
The res periods only seem to be for 3 to 4 hrs in duration so you arnt usually covering all the days flights.
A days are only good for people who are out of town so that they dont have to come into within 2 hrs of the airport if they were on res , that is the only positive side to it basically. So if that is you then choose them if it aint then dont. You can tell they would prefer to keep you on A days when they kick up a fuss when you ask to be swapped back to res!
enough said!

8th Apr 2008, 10:48
"A" days are free reserve and nothing less.:=

8th Apr 2008, 21:17
Oh, for goodness sake! How painful can this simple question get?

If you get fewer than 30 Reserve days or 30 A days, then both are "free". For most people, on most bases, that would hold true.

An A day at the start of a pattern does not add to the "1 off in 7" requirement, but an R day does. Whether this affects you or not depends on the average length of your pattern. If your patterns routinely have 30 hours off duty somewhere, then again this becomes a moot point.

On an A day you only have to be contactable for 8 hours, and then - and this is very important - you don't have to take the offered duty if it starts in less than 10 hours. On Reserve, you are by the phone for 12 hours and HAVE to be at work within 2 1/4 (or is it 2 1/2?) hours.

You must contact CC on the day before the A day (between 1200 and 1400 local base time) to see if they have a duty for you for the following day. If you had a reserve instead, then the first you would know about your new duty would be a phone call at 0600. Either way, they can get you to fly the next day, the only issue being the amount of notice.

Arfur Dent
9th Apr 2008, 05:48
Make sure you do this by internet at EXACTLY 1200 local base time. DO NOT get involved in a conversation with CC. Photocopy the 'zero change' (hopefully) to your roster. DO NOT answer the phone for the rest of that day (it's a 'G'). You're then effectively on reserve from 0600-1400 (local base time) on the following day (which is an 'A' day). You can use that 'A' day to travel to your base if required to op on the 3rd day but you must still answer your phone between 0600 and 1400.
Clear as mud!!!!:8

10th Apr 2008, 03:30
It's a personal choice. If i have an A day I can go boating ( within mobile phone coverage until 1400L). Or play golf and not have to worry about getting called to go to work as I don't have to report for 10 hours, or have a BBQ with a few beers, etc. So it's amost like a day off rather than reserve which is a pain in the butt. Personally they work for me. cheers