View Full Version : Qr Interviews

6th Apr 2008, 10:30
Need info on QR interview,doing interview soon. Info on Oral,written and sim would be great help.
Thanks in advance

6th Apr 2008, 14:39
Hi there...very straight forward interview...a short "group session" followed by a rather brief " oral " with the management boys..if all goes well you can find yourself in the stimulator the next day..

all the brest :ok:

6th Apr 2008, 15:44
How long does it take them to call back after interview? and do they really contact ur refereces?

Thanks in advance,,

6th Apr 2008, 16:52
Are you guys interviewing for the A320 or the B777? Is there still a "hiring ban" for the B777 DEC? Any info on the state of affairs there would be greatly appreciated....

7th Apr 2008, 14:01
Actually, during interview, they don't specify which airplane u'll be flying (i wish they did). They say it depends on company need. Unless if you're already typed in one of their aircraft, then it would only make sense they put u there,,

and I'm not sure about 777 DEC

7th Apr 2008, 14:04
There is a ban on all non type rated DECs untill oktober.

The only DEC hiring at the moment is type rated B777.

All the others should get offered jobs as FO. The fleet depends on previous experience.

Good luck

7th Apr 2008, 15:53
For those in the know:

Are they considering non-rated FO for the 777 fleet? If so, what would be total hour and experience requirements realistically? eg heavy jet EFIS international experience.......What about internal fleet movements A300 to 777?

Or do they still believe they will get type-rated pilots to fill all those aircraft orders?



9th Apr 2008, 09:40
Or do they still believe they will get type-rated pilots to fill all those aircraft orders?

We are reading every day that Qr is having a big expansion and is ordering lots of planes at every International Aviation Show but my question is :
Is it just a kind of Propaganda ?
How many B777 are in the fleet since now ?
How many new orders has landed in DOH int the last 12 months ?;)

9th Apr 2008, 10:38

Last 12 months,
2... i think they're 3 now B777
3 A330
A couple of 320/321's
all the 777's.................... coming soon

Off to ,

15th Apr 2008, 09:32
FlyingOW...fleet transfer in Q.A....nobody i think can predict or pretend whats the real politic here in Q.A....!!(don't think there is any)
People from the college are sent straight to the A-330(by-passing the 320),make the guys on 320 who want to join 330 more frustrated...,
For the 777...i think from june we gone have one 777/month..nobody knowns yet who's gone fly those aircraft.., some guys recruited as second officer a couple of years back on A-300 are sent already to 777....again i guess by-passing a lot of senior guys.....so and so..

Black Stain
17th Apr 2008, 09:27
interview soon. Info on Oral....

With enthusiasm such as this you will go a long way in the middle east. It seems the Catamite King may have an apprentice.

12th May 2008, 12:53
Hi guys,

I am off to Doha early next month for the selection as Non-Type-Rated F/O.

Any info on the interview, tech questions and sim? Any information would be greatly appreciated!


12th May 2008, 13:04
You can pm me for info

12th May 2008, 13:19
PM me also

12th May 2008, 14:28
Hi Bluebull/Bustrash,

Did you guys get my pm?

14th Oct 2008, 13:30
:*hello is ist possible to know what they re going to ask during dhe pre interview day? tks upata