View Full Version : Reminders to pilots using OMAA/AUH

3rd Apr 2008, 15:06
Dear Pilots,

May I kindly ask for your attention to highlight some concerns for those of you flying in and out of Abu Dhabi Airport?

Please listen carefully to the ATIS broadcasting and check whether GMC is operational or not, and then contact GMC on 121,75 (some Jeppesen charts have 119,25 as GMC, which is incorrect).
When you say “Information Alpha copied” on the TWR frequency 119,2, and the broadcasting actually instructs departing aircraft to contact GMC 121,75, it seems to me you copied nothing but the weather and BS...
Note: We’re planning to operate GMC on a more permanent basis, most likely between 7 am – 3 pm and again between 10 pm – 3 am.

Please request pushback when you’re fully ready to push! That’s within 60 seconds! And you have a tow truck in front of you, and the doors are closed, and the high loaders have left etc.

ATC Clearance
ATC Clearance is available prior start-up/pushback.
Contact the appropriate frequency with: Callsign, Parking Stand and Requested Flight Level. The ATC Clearance is available seconds after the TWR Assistant has activated your FPL.

Ready for departure
When you’re approaching the runway holding point, ATC expects you to be ready for departure. If this is not the case, you should as soon as possible inform ATC so they can re-route via an alternative taxi-route if required (even though that is very limited).

Speed control instructions
If ATC have no requirements for speed restrictions/instructions, pilots may then reduce/increase at his discretion. If ATC requires speed control we then expect the pilot to comply exactly with that speed. If unable then please advice. This is an ongoing story. At bigger airports around the world they’ll take you out of the sequence and put you last in the queue…

Fuel Emergency
Ref. UAE AIP AIC 04/2006 you can only expect priority when you state a MAYDAY or PAN PAN call.
However, we’ll try our best to help out if you report low on fuel without declaring an emergency, but you cannot demand priority until you say the magic word…

Opposite direction departures/arrivals
You may request the opposite direction than the runway-in-use, unless it is obvious that your request will be turned down. Also intersection departures if you feel like it.
For departures GMC/TWR may approve your request (after coordination with APP), and GMC/TWR will normally inform you when you’re requesting taxi.
For arrivals APP must coordinate with TWR first.
ATC will always give the highest priority to traffic for the runway-in-use.

My critique is not meant to be negative at all. I’m highlighting concerns seen from an ATC point of view. Since I’m responsible for ATC Training and Unit Standards you’re welcome to “shoot” back with your concerns. I’ll try to answer/clarify any questions/concerns and forward relevant matters appropriately.

Happy flying...

3rd Apr 2008, 15:48
No offence taken whatsoever. I happen to appreciate the info.

Your requests are all valid but keep in mind that some of those procedures are not known to us except from experience flying into a particular airport. For example, the time to call for ATC clearance.... not written in our OM-C nor is it on the Jepps plate I have in front of me for OMAA (granted these plates are out of date) Then again we just changed to LIDO so maybe that info is written there. Although it is pretty standard in OMAA.

Clearance for push.... you are right.

Approaching the runway, usually we only get the 'cabin ready' shortly before reaching the hold point or sometimes even later. We are doing checks, preparing for takeoff etc, trying not to taxi on the grass (haha) and if the Purser does not tell us of an expected delay due to pax issues, then we expect them to be ready upon reaching. Occasionally we only become aware of a delay once we have stopped at the hold point.

A question, speed control is in effect until exactly what point in the following scenario? On downwind assigned 220kts... can we slow after base turn or have to wait until cleared for approach? (assuming nothing else is said in relation to speed control)

What does the acronym GMC stand for again?

At the gate we are very busy with our briefs, programming and we have about 5 different people with different priorites popping into the flightdeck, continually breaking up our normal sequence of events.

Then at other airports we have to remember to request the PDC at a certain time before pushback (which is an educated guess at times), or we have to relate different info to different ATC's when requesting clearance, or push/start clearance. Sometimes there are up to 3 different frequencies involved as well. It is all quite easy when at home base but when only visiting an airport infrequently and any procedure is different than the norm, then there is more potential for us to mess it up.

Isn't the requested FL on the flight plan you receive for us? Just wondering.

Recently I requested the 'expected' SID about 15 minutes before push. Then when we requested clearance, they gave us a different SID. This added several minutes to our reprogramming and rebrief, just when the Engineer was handing over the tech log, the LMC change came in on the loadsheet and the PA had to be made. I'm not bitching, just trying to point out that our errors, that probably drive you crazy, are sometimes a direct result of other factors. I know it is no excuse but it is an explanation.

White Knight
3rd Apr 2008, 16:15
Mostly good points you raise ATSI - obvious stuff that some don't seem to be able to cope with:ugh::ugh:

Mensa - GMC = Ground Movement Control, and if ATC tell you 220 kts, then that is what you fly 'til they tell you to slow down. Of course, if you feel that the aeroplane is getting away from you (and you don't want to write an ASR) then ask ATC if you can slow down!!

As for the clowns who know there are x number of inbounds and then ask for the opposite end, well, what can I say??

3rd Apr 2008, 16:25

I understand the difficulties and various differences around the world you pilots will experience... At least I think I do!

At the moment ADAC (Abu Dhabi Airport Company) and especially Etihad Airways are very focussed on OTP (On Time Performance). Some of the delay is pushed on to be an ATC related delay. Some justified but most should be separated into scheduling, airport procedures, airport layout and expansion/closure etc., "domino-effect" (aircraft not ready at the holding point causing delay to other aircraft behind), weather and landing/take-off restrictions, as well as simple congestion delay (its an airport!).

A question, speed control is in effect until exactly what point in the following scenario? On downwind assigned 220kts... can we slow after base turn or have to wait until cleared for approach? (assuming nothing else is said in relation to speed control)

If assigned a speed, 220 kts, then maintain until you hear "No [ATC] speed restrictions" or when ATC terminates the speed control. And yes, ATC will forget to say this at times, so you better ask if you're unsure. Otherwise, speedcontrol shall not be applied after passing 4 NMs on final approach.

GMC = Ground Movement Control (aka SMC, GND, Ground..)

Isn't the requested FL on the flight plan you receive for us? Just wondering.

Yes, it is in the system either in the RPL or FPL, but we still have to ask and forward the information to Emirates ACC (En-route). Today we don't have it on the Flight Progress Strip, but earlier we did and 8 out of 10 were incorrect anyway!!!

Ref. SIDs, or Standard Departures as we call it, is pretty simple for OMAA. Runway heading climb 3,000 feet (after passing 500 ft contact APP 124,4). I know you still have to program your FMS, but the only changes should be track heading 127 or 307. Isn't that easy to change?
I know a runway change can be a nightmare, but ATC will try to make it as smooth as possible (for their own sake too..), since late decisions, especially for arrivals can be confusing and result in dangerous situations.

As a remark, controllers have finally been accepted by EY to join in on familiarisation flights, which will be beneficial for all controllers but especially trainees and young inexperienced controllers (as well as for pilots for interaction purposes. I hope!)

Ref. to approaching the runway, wheter you're ready or not, it would be a little help if you reported ready for departure either when being transferred from Ground Control to TWR or by yourself when TWR is combined.

Ref. Jeppesen, which ATC doesn't refer to, may be outdated so therefore always check with the local AIP...

I hope I covered it all.

3rd Apr 2008, 17:46
thats good stuff ATSI, a very rare constructive thread on this forum for a change:D

3rd Apr 2008, 17:51
I do not carry a local AIP with me for every country I visit, so tend to use Mr Jepps documents.

AHD, is mostly very good, so i have no major complaints.


3rd Apr 2008, 18:00
I was probably the one who made ATSI start this thread. I was flying the other day, with ground freq. on the radio the whole time during the cockpit set up, just so I know what is going on, and then I asked my partner for the push clearance and without even seeing, he switched to 119.2 to do it. I know your frustration. A thousand apologies!!!

3rd Apr 2008, 18:11
A very helpful post from a great bunch of guys at Abu Dhabi.. Was lucky enough to be invited to the tower and to enjoy Iftar with the duty controllers last Ramadam (during a quiet period of course). Very professional and welcoming bunch of local guys! Thanks.

3rd Apr 2008, 19:07
Let’s blame Hogan shall we then… :E
Dear pilots always keep it Safe, Simple and Sweet …
I have been flying in the region (home) for 20 years and this is what I heard the other day from a Saudi controller ’’ Etihad XYZ this is Jeddah, blease, pleeeeeease wa’llahi blease read back the hole clearance this is the 3rd time I am asking you” and arriving AUH, a B773 demands to be number one not number two because his is bigger than the rest of us :rolleyes: three words mates:

Safe, Simple and Sweet

3rd Apr 2008, 19:12

I was probably the one who made ATSI start this thread.

Apology accepted, but it wasn't because of you only (but thanks for being honest). There's quite a lot who "forgets" to call on the correct frequency for start-up. Many of them being helicopter pilots from Abu Dhabi Aviation, so its not only fixed wing.

ATC should of course learn from this as well. Information to customers via newsletters, NOTAMs or AIP. Within short time I think that all start-ups will be on 121,75. When traffic is low, TWR and GMC may be combined and we can "couple" the two frequencies so we can receive/transmit on both simultaneously. Today we ask our APP Assistant to add to the ATIS broadcasting that GMC is operational on 121,75. I know... OMAA ATIS is terrible!!! With the new control tower a new ATIS system has been ordered to allow for both ARR and DEP ATIS. Until then... well, enjoy. Perhaps we should clean up all the messy pre-recordings (for a start).

The AIP is heavy stuff so read it during pre-flight :E

Radio transmissions have recently been very poor in some areas around OMAA. Routing outbound via KUNGU/DASLA gate and inbound via SODEX/NOBTO seems to be troublesome for readbacks/hearbacks. To my understanding, this is caused by the airport expansion and re-positioning of antennas, cables etc. Not very safe if you ask me. If you become "lost" somewhere on the frequency, then don't hesitate to contact the previous or next frequency notifying them about the problem (but monitor 124,4).

Thank you for the feedback so far. Ramadan is only a few months away...

Visual Procedures
4th Apr 2008, 04:59
From ATSI:

Ref. SIDs, or Standard Departures as we call it, is pretty simple for OMAA. Runway heading climb 3,000 feet (after passing 500 ft contact APP 124,4). I know you still have to program your FMS, but the only changes should be track heading 127 or 307. Isn't that easy to change?

Simple SIDs make change easier yes.. This is a generic example of what happens assuming we're not interrupted by the people Mensaboy mentioned coming into the cockpit. Unfortunately never a simple process.

1) F/O reprograms the FMC selecting rwy and SID. He then compares the SID vs chart and makes sure the new SID connects with the rest of the route.

2) Capt checks what the f/o did.

3) A quick briefing follows where the new taxi route, and SID (and engine out procedure if there is one) are discussed, finished by setting the MCP (hdg, alt etc).

4) F/O recalculates t/o data for the change of rwy

5) Capt checks what the F/o did.

6) New thrust setting, flap setting, acceleration height and v speeds all entered into the FMC together.

7) Lastly, we look at each other and say 'What have we forgotten' :E

4th Apr 2008, 05:22

Might I mention that there is too much talking, and receiving clearances on one frequency, and that in the end, we loose 3 minutes at the gate whilst everyone is getting there ATC clearance, start clearance and landing and take -off clearance on the same frequency and we can't get a word in. Unfortunately everyone is scheduled around the same time for departure, so everyone is trying to get a word in and it becomes a mess. LHR has a delivery and then a ground freq and then twr, so we should not compare to LHR, incase that was the reply I was going to expect.

PDC would be great, in order to help OTP (Over Time Pay for pilots) with minimum congestion on frequency.

Speed control, 300kts to 12 is possible at or 250 at 50nm, but what is your idea of high speed? An automated email is generated when taxying at more than 30 kts and exceedence of 250 below 5000 (almost automated by the FSB). It would be better if someone could say 250 to 8 miles downwind. At least we have the same idea as your request and could well be more obliging. (helpful)

This discussion is helpful and I hope we can all get right one day and not "CONFOOS" the issue! (now where have I heard that before?)

I take it you are a hot shot from Dubai?-you remind me of someone that I once knew with a similar call sign (something fox) that loved his BMW 1200 a lot!:p

4th Apr 2008, 13:07

there is too much talking, and receiving clearances on one frequency

As I said earlier in my first post, Ground Movement Control (GMC) will be operational on a more permanent basis. Due to staffing issues we cannot operate H24. During busy hours we're required to operate GMC. So when it is busy you shouldn't hear take-off/landing clearances etc. Only start-up, pushback, taxi instructions and ATC clearances. That can be enough I agree, but we don't have enough staff to operate an additional position such as Clearance Delivery at the moment. In fact the current staff shall soon operate Al Ain Approach (Radar Service), and an agreement to operate Bateen Tower with civilian controllers are in the process. Further sectorisation at Abu Dhabi is also imminent, especially a Final Director, whether this is going to be combined with the current Kopter sector is unknown, but something must be done to reduce the spacing on final to a minimum.

Where they'll get all these people from I don't know.... But it is nice to be in demand :ok:

4th Apr 2008, 15:26
I understand that under staffing is the original problem, but I missed that piece in the original posting in the beginning. My apologies! (still can't find it)

Minimum time in the sky means sooner to bed. Now thats what really counts!

White Knight
4th Apr 2008, 15:34
Hey Jetjock - never owned a Beamer... Too small:}

4th Apr 2008, 17:55

Note: We’re planning to operate GMC on a more permanent basis, most likely between 7 am – 3 pm and again between 10 pm – 3 am.

Here it is ;)

5th Apr 2008, 20:34
Ok, we'll see!

Dixons Cider
6th Apr 2008, 14:19
all good info.

As an aside,any body agree that AUH ATIS is blardy weak these days, dont pick it up till 100 miles or less inbound lately...due to antennae relocation?

It aint good enough.

6th Apr 2008, 15:22
By Jetjock330 :

An automated email is generated when taxying at more than 30 kts and exceedence of 250 below 5000 (almost automated by the FSB). :{


Nothing like REMF'er's being in charge...

Those who can teach, those who can't regulate.

6th Apr 2008, 18:32
Dixons Cider

The ATIS has never really been good to my opinion. I suggest that you guys complain to your company who in turn should re-direct the concern to ADAC. If it comes from EY it seems to work...

Fat Clemenza
6th Apr 2008, 21:38
It's nice to have a new topic on the forum.

Sometimes you get tired of hearing people complain over and over, even though I know some of you folks are no longer living the aviation dream. EK, QR and EY's treatment of their staff is just a shame to the industry. However, it's good to share some practical stuff directly linked to flying once in a while.

Happy landings to all

12th Apr 2008, 01:06
Thanks, very constructive.

15th Apr 2008, 13:44
When you're on lefthand downwind RWY 31 and passing abeam 3-4 NMs final requesting base turn, it can complicate your descend. The Minimum Radar Vectoring Altitude in that area is 2200ft until you're aprx. abeam 6-7 NMs (not sitting in front of the radar screen right now, so it is aprx. 6-7 NMs) before we can give you 2000ft and base leg 1500ft. If you request a visual approach then no problem and we'll clear you subject to traffic. Otherwise baseleg can be expected abeam 6-8 NMs for line-up on the LLZ at around GP intercept. If you're already at a low altitude I'll turn you without asking aiming for 6-7 NMs final, and sometimes I'll ask how many NMs you want or if you're ready for base.
QUESTION: If you're low (taken track NMs into account) are you happy if ATC turn you base for a line-up around 6-7 NMs without asking???

Haven't seen EY do a visual approach for a some time. Anything to do with Company regulations? New runway under construction?

PS. On another note, I'll emphasise this again: Please be fully ready for pushback when asking for it. Otherwise you'll be delaying other customers (your own airline included). Thanks

19th Apr 2008, 20:09
OK, Question.

Speed restriction below 10,000' - 250 kts.
Given that the 340-6 is faster than this (265 ish) are you aware of this or is it a requirement to request a higher speed from you or 124.4?


Not allowed Vis Apph by night, and day vis is usually shocking so easier for the lazy {in response to the comment below..}(safer option whatever, so much for a sense of humour) option.. plus after 14 hrs whadda you think...? (I think this sort of covered your point...?)
(Cripes - must be nice being perfect)

And wtf is that chap?

19th Apr 2008, 20:59
Lazy option?....try to allways opt to "fail safer" in your command decisions.
Repeat daily to the face in your mirror....
Dear Lord do not let my overconfidence exceed my ability
least your ground rise up and strike me dead.
Leave your personnel and company problems on the ground,do not take them airborne.
Wear your command bars like golden feathers not lumps of lead.
Dont worry be happy you will soon be 60 and retired with no pension and unable to afford a house....ops...sorry they just got you to 65!
OK then...just die on them and get a warning letter.
Remember how they treated Rad Gammage.

21st Apr 2008, 14:33

Abu Dhabi TMA/CTA is a classified as Airspace Class C = NO speed limit for IFR flights, unless a SID/STAR tells you otherwise (like Dubai). Therefore you don't need to ask for high speed above 250 kts below 10.000ft. However, I know EY policy is 250kts below 10.000ft unless instructed faster by ATC, but you must reduce to 250kts or less below 5000ft.

If ATC instructs you to reduce to 250kts, but you're only able to reduce to, lets say, 265kts, then you'll just end up on a de-tour around the desert...until you can join the others :rolleyes: