View Full Version : PHI's NSF contract Antarctica

28th Mar 2008, 03:53
Does anyone have any info on PHI's operations on the ice? I've been working the channels to dig into what their requirements are for that contract. I haven't had much luck.

29th Mar 2008, 23:32
The jobs in Antarctica are sometimes advertised on an internal job posting but the turnover is low. Helicfii is incorrect, PHI International operations do not operate separately from the rest of PHI and come under the authority of the Chief Pilot and the Director of Operations.

The contact details for the Manager of International is on the PHI website and while he will have some input as to who is hired, there will be no escape from the normal HR interviews and processes to being hired by PHI.

Although international operations are traditionally fed from applicants in the GOM, it is not beyond possibility with the current shortages that a more direct entry into international if not Antarctica may be possible.

30th Mar 2008, 00:47
To add to Hippolite's post: the internal job posting for Antarctica will have a requirement for a minimum of 200 hours of mountain time.

30th Mar 2008, 19:02
Anybody know what type of aircraft are utilised down there?

30th Mar 2008, 20:41
Bell 212 x2 and AS350B2x2 last time I checked but a new contract was recently awarded so it may have changed.

30th Mar 2008, 23:13
The two 212's and two AS350B2's are still there. PHI just completed the 12th season on contract with 5 years remaining on the current contract. The turn over on this contract is very low.