View Full Version : CAA Core Course

Special Limitation
15th Mar 2008, 18:34
Im looking to do a core course in preparation for an eventual TRI. Any good/bad experiences, recomendations, or any other experiences?

16th Mar 2008, 16:42
Teaching and Learning forms part of the FI(R) course and is embedded into the theoretical training for that rating. It may also be embedded into a CRI, TRI, IRI or a MCCI course and in each case it will have a completely different emphasis as it will inevitably be tailored towards the specific course being taught. Very few training organisations offer a stand alone Teaching and Learning "Core Course".

16th Mar 2008, 18:22
If you work for a company which wants you to be a TRI they will send you on the core course of their choice if it isn't done in house, at least that is what happened to me. The company I did mine with was called Aviation Training and Development, if they are still going I'm sure a google search will find them.
Alternatively, if you are planning to self sponser a TRI course in order to find freelance work it would make sense to talk to the training organisation running the TRI course and find out their requirements for the core course and who they would recommend if they don't run it themselves.

Permanent Standby
16th Mar 2008, 22:29
I dont think there is a 'core' course any more. It is now called an accreditation course. (same as the old one but more emphasis on CRM)

You will have to do this before being enrolled on a TRI course.



Air Driven Generator
17th Mar 2008, 00:41
A Stand alone Core Course/Teaching and Learning Course is provided by
Atlantic Training Support at Coventry Airport.


Kath Burnham provides a fantantic interactive course.

In my search of schools also found CTC in Bournemouth that also provide the course


All the Best

Special Limitation
20th Mar 2008, 18:13
Thanks ADG et al. I am 60 and looking towards an independent retirement income using my well honed skills ????! and this seemed a practical solution. Thanks for your advice.