View Full Version : Block hire of a lightie

compressor stall
30th Nov 2000, 16:23
In the next month I want to come to the US and hire a lightie to fly around at night to build up my night hours to reach minimums for atpl (need another 40).

Any suggestions as who to contact for a price on block hire of an IFR equipped (just in case!) 172 or even pa44 or similar to stooge around the southern US states for said hours? a 40 hours block would be ideal.

PLease reply to [email protected]

PS anyone want to go halves and share the time as SIC or ICUS (depending on terminology?)

Those who restrain desire do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained.
William Blake

1st Dec 2000, 18:49
First of all may I recommend that you not use language as a lightie because those you speak to will take from your "baby talk" you are not mature enough to fly any aircraft light or heavy. May I ask why the Aussies and Brits use such language that sounds like baby talk? We talk to babies like that but once we reach the age of 6 or 7 we talk like adults (for the most part) but I can be certain none of us would post such as "lightie" on a BB. When you come to the U S and especially the Southern U S I would recommend you speak differently. Don't call light aircraft lighties or presents pressies, or breakfast brekkie, as you will be looked at as though you have never had marbles much less lost them. And believe me any true Southerner can go into a lingo that will leave you wondering if your life has just been threatend, and when the big boys from the back surround you because they think you just threatend one of them you will know your life has been threatend. Oh and the Black people will really have "a go at you" have you learned your Ebonics? And since you say you are going in to the South add some really odd choices of phrasing to the Ebonics and good luck. Here in USA the bonnet is the hood, the boot is the trunk, the wind screen is the windshield, breakfast is breakfast, food is food, dinner is usually the evening meal we don't do teatime. We do use napkins to wipe our mouths at the dining table. Lighties are called by the plane type you want C152, C172, and such or ask the types of air craft available. We do touch and goes or take off and landings not circuits around the airfield. Some places may not let you fly unless you have an FAA license not because of the FAA rules but because of the insurance company's requirements. What cities in the USA are you going to be visiting? Go to Yahoo Yellow Pages type in that city and then do a search for aircraft/aviation/etc. Then you will see a listing of who rents planes and if they have an email address and etc.

[This message has been edited by MaxHeadroom (edited 01 December 2000).]

[This message has been edited by MaxHeadroom (edited 01 December 2000).]

1st Dec 2000, 21:29
nice speech mate but of no real value.
good to see you can't help someone asking for advice.
and obviously a bigot too.

as far as baby talk is concerned, most aussies and brits think the same way about what comes out of your mouths.
it's all relative.

ps i say lighties, pressies and brekkie

1st Dec 2000, 21:41
Well matie, I had already edited my post for spelling before you finished your post. And as a bigot no I am not. Especially since I am married to a black person. I just have seen the way people have no clue as to what is being said here in the Southern USA. I was born and raised in the Southern USA and know from whince I speak. I still live here and am proud of it. Just because I know how and what can happen here from being here doesn't make me a bigot. American's are no where near as xenophobic and bigotted as Aussies.

[This message has been edited by MaxHeadroom (edited 01 December 2000).]

24th Dec 2000, 16:54
Dear Max, I do apologise for probably sounding a little direct, but perhaps you might like to 'bear with me' on this one, mate (and yes, you don't have to be on first name terms to call someone 'mate' in Oz).
From what I have been able to interpret from your rather 'Holier than thou' attitude and rather belittling tone of prose that you have elected to use in your diatribe of what virtually bordered on abuse to CS, I see what appears to be a certain 'small town USA' mentality that was quite present when I travelled through parts of the south 15 years ago. No, I wasn't born in the US, but I am lucky enough to have seen many years of change in many different countries around the globe.
It is a good thing to see that not much has changed in the south, and nor is it likely to in the immediate future from what you so eloquently portray. I did also notice that you went to great lengths to point out that you were in fact 'married to a black person'. Why do you feel you had to bring that up? I'm sorry, was that just the slightest bit of insecurity coming out? I probably don't have to remind you of what are, for want of a better expression, 'mainstream' fringe dwellers such as the KKK etc etc which still run amok behind the very farce of 'free speech' to which you seem to be so proud of!
So why didn't you just quietly suggest in a more friendly way that perhaps the 'guy' ( American slang, not mine) might like to do a little bit of research on his facts and the various different 'ways of life' that abound in what is for the most part, a land of great opportunity for most.
On the subject of slang, it is, unfortunately a rather large part of both American and Australian societies as a whole, and it really is a sad day when a person such as yourself chooses to lambast a person for making what is a harmless enquiry for information.
Obviously you have a very intollerent side to your very nature. I wish you a very Merry Xmas and if the abbrieviation P****s you off then let me try and think of a couple of words that seem to have eminated out of your oh so perfect mouths ;
Ya jerk, Ya dick wad, (again American slang, not ours) jeez I could really get started on you people but I'm afraid that I might not stop for a long, long time.
I am proud that I have many American people that I can legitimately call my friends ( gee, I think the American is 'Pals'). Please do not take this the wrong way, but I trully believe that more slang and corrupted language has come out of the US than any other source

Goodbye - oh sorry LATER DUDE!!!!!!!

She might have a shirt jam-packed with goodies, but if she's your sister it's still illegal !!!

25th Dec 2000, 18:12
Compressor Stall,
You still wanna fly over here?!... Haha..
Don't you love the internet where any fool with half a brain thinks he can say whatever the hell he can type. You know why that guy's name is Max Headroom don't you! I imagine there's plenty of space up there.

As for schools in the US. You just need to decide where you want to be while here (weather should be a factor cause it's blizzard conditions in the midwest)and then I suggest you find a small FBO at a local airport. The big schools are disproportionately more expensive in my experience then small operations. Avoid big city airports where aircraft are hard to get cause they fly all the time. WHen you have an area in mind post again and I'll tell ya what I know.

"..there's really nothing like a shorn scrotum. It's breathtaking, I suggest you try it"

26th Dec 2000, 13:50
G,day Weasil,
Please let me apologise if I have offended or insulted you or any of your compatriates, this was not my intention. I sort of let my fingers do the typing before the mind had a say in it!!!! http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/redface.gif
Anyway, have a great New year's!! :)


She might have a shirt jam-packed with goodies, but if she's your sister it's still illegal !!!

Strong Winds
27th Dec 2000, 06:57

Max Glide
1st Jan 2001, 07:02
My, my...what's up with MaxHeadroom?
Man, all Compressor Stall asked was advice. I find nothing wrong with how and what he writes.
Compressor Stall my friend, don't be disappointed...Ia m a CFI her ein the US and can lead you to many good places to rent a cheaper single (lightie....OOPPPssss)or a heavy....(OOOOppppssss again) twin. YOu have to figure out which one you want to fly. At present I am teaching in MN, but soon to head out to either FL, TX, or AZ.
I have read your message five times but still unalbe to find anything offensive.
Let me know and I'd give out more info.

1st Jan 2001, 13:38
I would recommend Rainbow Air, 2825 E. Spring Street, Long Beach California CA 90806. Phone is 562-424-0119. Run by an English Guy and American Partner. Excellent service, Good Instructors, Good clean aeroplanes, well maintained. LGB is a good airfield, with Class B Airspace, and good traffic environment. Lots of good destinations for your "Lightie" such as Las Vegas, Palm Springs, Santa Barbara, Chino (Man the air museum is awesome) and San Diego. A trip into John Wayne Orange County (SNA) is also an interesting experience in a Light twin....

By the way, M H Is NOT representative of Americans that I know......

Happy New Year, and Tailwinds!

The Prime Minister
2nd Jan 2001, 01:15
Sorry guys, but I am from the UK and I would love to come over the big pond at live in your country, BUT MAX HEADROOM, you give your country and its people a very bad name.

You are what we say over here in the UK a "TOSSER"..............

Max Glide
2nd Jan 2001, 05:20
You're right on Prime Minister!
MaxHeadroom is incredible...how could this guy even hold a medical, I wonder. I mean his answer to a simple query was so different and after the first word, he lost track...
MaxHeadroom, watch out man...or if the AME applied CFR, Part 67.107, you gonna have a tough time keeping your license if you happen to have one.
Happy New Year to all!
Safe Flying!!

[This message has been edited by Max Glide (edited 02 January 2001).]

6th Jan 2001, 07:38

I enjoyed your post... i was referring to Max Headroom as being a fool.


9th Jan 2001, 10:50
Cheers' Weasil and everyone else too. I kinda 'saw red' for a while, then I felt kinda ' thilly ' afterwards. http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif

She might have a shirt jam-packed with goodies, but if she's your sister it's still illegal !!!

9th Jan 2001, 14:05

Don't pay any attention to a$$hole$ like MaxAirHeadroom, he obviously dosn't have anything intelligent to say so he has to resort to insults and mud slinging.

I think you may find what you're looking for at AOPA's website, don't know the address but a simple search on Yahoo should provide you with an over abundance of info!

Hope you find the info you need and don't pay attention to idiots like that as they probably have'nt ventured much further than they're back yard, let alone broken the surly bonds!

Cheers, OffshoreIgor http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/eek.gif

PS Never let you're aircraft take you where you're brain hasn't already been in the last five minutes!

[This message has been edited by offshoreigor (edited 09 January 2001).]

12th Jan 2001, 23:06
Too much football without a helmet methinks.

Come on over, the flying is great, and so are the people. Certain exceptions of course.

I might be able to help with leads in California - let me know if that is any help.

Tail Heavy
13th Jan 2001, 13:11
Hey All,
Another Aussie here. Will be in CA about the end of feb. Coming over with an a/c broker and two aeroplanes. Whilst in the US, am looking to convert my CPL and MECIR.
Will be doing ferry work while i am there. If anyone could suggest somewhere i might be able to do the conversions and what is involved, any info would be most appreciated.

Also, what would a pilot with about 800tt be flying? What are the regional req?


The only time you have too much fuel is when you are on fire!!