View Full Version : FIC Course - can I split it between two FTOs?

8th Mar 2008, 11:35
Hey, I'm currently doing my JAR FIC course - and I am on a bit of a tight schedule. I am starting to get a little behind due to the weather, and I am just curious as to whether it is possible to complete training at another school closer to home in the UK, or do I have to do the entire course where I am (and come back at a later date?).

Thanks :}

8th Mar 2008, 12:38
It should be ok. I did half of mine in the states (then the FIC Instructor left), and I too came back to the UK and finished it off here. Just bring a copy of your certified training notes with you!

8th Mar 2008, 15:54
Yes I know a new FI(R) who just passed test today and will be working ASAP when rating arrives and had to complete at competitor school after difficulties getting finished due to instructor shortage for FI(A). And why not?

9th Mar 2008, 07:49
A JAA approved course has to be conducted under the supervision of a head of training at an approved FTO who is responsible for certifying that you have completed the approved course.

You cannot simply move around to suit yourself and do two half courses. If you have a reason for changing from one FTO to another whilst conducting a course, then you will have to notify the CAA telling them why you wish to change training providers and request a credit for the training already conducted. Standards Doc 37 Para 7.5 http://www.caa.co.uk/docs/33/Standards%20Document%2037%20v2.pdf

9th Mar 2008, 09:50
Hi Springbokandrea - check your PM's.
Regards, P

9th Mar 2008, 20:17
Of course there needs to be a valid reason! Sorry if I misled...