View Full Version : Mr Rhodes, You Gotta Go

27th Feb 2008, 05:49
AH! Just enjoying a Carona on annual leave down here in OZ and guess what led the six o clock news, thats right, a video of the fly by in all its glory.

My bet for whats its worth is your next Nick, Cmon mate you were bragging about it a week ago. You sign off on all the manuals dont you ? You know whats in them dont you ? I think its YOU who has made the error of judgement dont you think

Arfur Dent
27th Feb 2008, 06:02
How can our Director of Flight Operations describe, in his own weekly newsletter, this flypast as 'spectacular' (actually posting one of the pictures too!)and then, presumably, take part in the procedure to fire the perpetrator as the run for cover commences?
Did he not know that the flyby was unauthorised? Shouldn't ALL Captains conducting delivery flights (these are normally Managers) be fully briefed about flypasts as a matter of course?
This has made CX look rather foolish globally too as they can change their minds about a very senior pilot in the blink of an eye.
Management? Yup CX style. Nice one gents........:confused:

27th Feb 2008, 06:48
Problem is that aspect of the story has not found its way into the press yet... it makes a more interesting perspective than the fly by.

27th Feb 2008, 08:10
Thanks for the advice you sarcastic prick, in fact I have a life but when your having a beer in front of the telly and the lead story is your boss doing a low fly by its pretty much hard to ignore dont you think

Turn and Burn
27th Feb 2008, 08:10
CX have got their knickers in a twist over this and without You Tube all would have sailed along merrily with nothing further said. There have been other fly-bys as we all know. The problem is the media, fear of whom causes those caught in the headlights to do headless chicken impressions.

I do not know the CP 777 personally, but in the appeal our management should smack his hand with a return to line for 6 months and his FO STC should get a brief from Corporate Safety to remind him of the risks of fly-bys.

We have all done some unauthorised flying stunt and some of the 'holier than thou' pontificating about this incident I find extremely distasteful. It is time for the flying world to tell the media that the reason we fly aeroplanes is because we have balls and sometimes, in a thirty knot crosswind on minimum fuel, those balls need to be big.
As for calls for NR to resign; with whom would you replace him. Someone worse probably. Be careful what you wish for.

27th Feb 2008, 16:30
AH! Just enjoying a Carona on annual leave down here in OZ

And, SOUTHPAC, either you can't read, you're drunk, or you're not really drinking a CORONA... (or some combination of the three)

To be on PPRuNe on leave... ah, what a life!

Arfur Dent
27th Feb 2008, 17:54
Interesting thread's drifted to personal abuse. Impressive...:sad:

27th Feb 2008, 22:40
Yeah, thats what us CX pilots are good at:
Backstabing, infighting, slander and we are incapable of standing together as a collective which is why NR and his cronies get away with what they do!

Will it change? Saddly I dont think so -ever.

So I guess its open season - go ahead NR strip out the good stuff from my COS, feather your nest on the Peak - I wont take issue with you, only my colleagues whom I shall despise.


28th Feb 2008, 00:18
It is amazing how a bunch of "professionals" can have such adolescent opinons.
It is my opinion that CX dropped the ball years ago by not calling in those flying these airshows and laying the law down, no one fired or demoted , just putting the word out that these flybys MUST be approved by flight ops. Then actually putting a procedure and brief in place that would be followed. If that had happened years ago this particular PF would not have let his ego get the better of his judgement. As our DFO is not a pilot he would have to rely on the senior pilot in flight ops, (GMF) to advise and set the standard. Apparently this did not happen and the non flying managers were led (or allowed) to believe this was all ok and safe. The crew involved came back to HK and said nothing about this. Two very experienced pilots were all smiles and thumbs up about the flyby, leading the non-fliers to believe the same. I am sure when this story began to get legs CX was hoping it would die down and they could quietly take care of this. When it became apparent it was not going away the DFO no doubt started to ask questions and then the path became clear. There can be no defending flying that low with passangers onboard, risking their lives, an expensive airplane and the companies (and by extention every pilot in CX) reputation. At the altitude he was at, one bird onto the screen (birds fly at 40ft don't they?), a flinch on the controls and it would have been all over. This incident had no value for the company, it was purely ego. Should the DFO have to leave over this, no, but I hope he learned a lesson about managing a bunch of pilots.
For those of you defending this CP and his actions get over yourselves. If it had been you you would have been shown the door, by the CP 777 in a heartbeat. This is not a flying club. Go get yourself an aerobatic airplane and fill your boots
I would say that CX will have to be doing damage control for awhile. I just watched this video on a two min segment on CNN, complete with names involved and the fact that the FAA is now looking into it.
Stupid is as stupid does.

Absolutely Fabulous
28th Feb 2008, 00:59
a cunning stunt by a stunning............:}

Al E. Vator
28th Feb 2008, 01:49
Yes cxflyer and Alpha floor your posts are spot on.

CX pilots are a bunch of un-unified egos for whom its easy to divide T&C as they will stab each other in the back. Don't need managers to do it. Jizzmonkey's post is typical of this, it diverts the thread, it's unproductive, sniping and doesn't help anybody except by trying to boost his own apparently shallow ego. Standard CX deride-your-peer pilot material it would seem. Is unity impossible for us?

And yes cxflyer, exactly correct. As a flyby it was all individual ego and that's all. Yes we all love to do these things but had we have done it in a CX aircraft the very man who performed this stunt would have smiled as he showed us the door. His previous lack of care for those he has had contact with lends him no sympathy from me.

We reap what we sew. He sewed nastiness and this is the unusual manifestation of reaping that harvest.

We sew a lack of unity and continuously reap the results.

Time for a quantum change in thinking.

28th Feb 2008, 02:34
Now that is the most sensible thing I have heard in a long time. A change for all of us is long overdue :ok:

28th Feb 2008, 02:34

I have to disagree with you.

NR cannot claim ignorance on this one. He is the top dog, as has been said before he should know whats in the manuals he signs.

Ignorance has never been an excuse in CX, nor the tax office, nor a traffic violation etc etc

28th Feb 2008, 02:37
Good point and very true. I would bet though that he was kept in the dark on this one. Perhaps the lesson..next DFO need to have a flying background, a la John Hardy, a real gentleman.

28th Feb 2008, 02:50
That is true, he was

28th Feb 2008, 03:10
It was apparently our Chairman who pushed for this decision and not really the DFO, who was just following orders.

28th Feb 2008, 03:25
Yeh Just like when turdball said sack 50 pilots and the boys swung into action

28th Feb 2008, 05:09
The fact that the CP was fired is what has made it a newsworthy story. It was posted on youtube and a whole bunch of enthusiests/teens surfing the net viewed it and that was that. The CP gets fired, a WEEK later its running in the news with investigations. It could have gone in a completely different direction with a bit of forthought. :hmm:

Harbour Dweller
28th Feb 2008, 05:34
It could have gone in a completely different direction with a bit of forthought.

Some might say "a missed opportunity" in fact.. ;)

28th Feb 2008, 19:29
You bet it could have, IF the CP had not been stupid enough to have done this, it would have been completely different. You know the old saying if if if if my uncle had breasts he'd be my aunt.

28th Feb 2008, 20:09
Was the "spectacular" comment about the flyby, or just about the promo pics taken from the Lear?

29th Feb 2008, 00:23
This incident has highlighted a couple of things. One reckless decision, no matter who you are can cost you your job/career, and, the stupidity of having a non flying DFO!!
To say that flight ops is like a rudderless ship is an understatement!!!