View Full Version : Unrestricted instructor

13th Feb 2008, 17:22
What is an "unrestricted instructor"

Could somebody just give me a specific kind of definition


13th Feb 2008, 17:30
If you are un restricted you CAN send people on a first solo and first solo cross country.If you are restricted you cannot. You must supervise 25 solo's and have 100 hours total instructing before you can apply for the resiriction to be removed. Plus you must be supervised by a un-restricted instructor.Its in LASORS and there are probably some other small bits of stuff that go with it.

13th Feb 2008, 17:43
Thank you!

Now here may be another questions, perhaps incredibly general, but what kind of weather limits would you say there were for solo?

e.g. crosswind, general wind, cloud etc

13th Feb 2008, 18:12
Apart from staying legal....The type of wetaher you fly in is directly related to your qualifications, experience level and mostly, plain common sense.Its so difficult to put a definition on it.Sadly, weather kills private and commercial pilots alike. Never take weather for granted.

13th Feb 2008, 18:17
Thank you for your help

13th Feb 2008, 20:00
Most schools worth their salt will define suitable weather in their flying order book/standard operating procedures. Consult this put1992.

Are you going solo soon?

13th Feb 2008, 20:04
In two days on my 16th hopefully. My ordinary instructor is restricted, so i have to go up and demonstrate to an unrestricted instructor that i can actually do it. The weather forecast shows a ten knot wind pretty much down the runway, and some cloud.

Feeling nervous about it not happening, and the general prospect if it does happen.

13th Feb 2008, 21:57
Sounds like a sensible progress check to see if all is going okay. Good luck! :}

13th Feb 2008, 21:58

When I'm looking to send someone solo for the first time, I am interested in all aspects of the weather - specifically the winds, crosswinds and gusts. I am also thinking about the in-flight visibility (specifically into the low sun!) and cloudbase.

I wouldn't get too hung up on forecasts - thats just what they are, a best guess. Usually they can be fairly accurate, but sometimes they can be way off the mark.

If 10 knots is coming straight down the slot, my main consideration is that the student is handling the prevailing conditions. If the student can't hack it, then I'm not risking my licence just to keep a 16th Birthday smile.

Just relax, fly the way you have been taught and if you're good enough, it'll happen. Good luck.

13th Feb 2008, 22:35
Thanks you guys.

I'll post back in a couple days to let you know how things go.

14th Feb 2008, 14:11
Just relax with it. You will find that when you are solo for the first time, things should just fall in place. Like most students then, you won't want a moody, picky FI sitting next to you and will look forward to the solo stuff.

Or that could just be my old students!

Remember LOOKOUT and SPEED.

14th Feb 2008, 15:32


14th Feb 2008, 19:40
JTK, you need to change your Location in your profile :p


14th Feb 2008, 21:07
Like most students then, you won't want a moody, picky FI sitting next to you and will look forward to the solo stuff.

Your so right with that James T :-) Mine has started swearing....nearly blew his stack the other day :mad:...cant wait until he gets out now :}

VNA Lotus
14th Feb 2008, 22:13
pprune forum

14th Feb 2008, 23:26
VNA apologies if this sounds rude as I don't know your background, but is the figure in your SOP manual? Ours is 35 knots, including gust component. There are more restrictive limits for students etc

VNA Lotus
14th Feb 2008, 23:43
pprune forum

15th Feb 2008, 12:37

Did your school never brief you on what an operations manual is and how to use it? I find this shocking if you have done a CPL/IR :eek:

Doesn't the school (FTO) have to have a student record containing a section, where they sign you off to say you have been shown and have knowledge of various procedures, including the ops (SOP) manual?

BR :)

16th Feb 2008, 13:10
:}http://matthewbrown.blog.com/ (http://matthewbrown.blog.com/)

need say no more

16th Feb 2008, 14:09
No i don't. As you well know, I am onmi-present. Remember, I can smell low pressure and feel high pressure.


I have never been that bad. Although, I do quite a good line in sarcasm.

16th Feb 2008, 22:11
Ahh I did my CPL with Kent ;)

Well done!