View Full Version : Gulfair Staff Travel

11th Feb 2008, 18:08
Why is staff travel service is very poor??
Lazy & rude staff .. worst staff in gulfair

11th Feb 2008, 18:11
100% AGREE...........useless department....unless you are morrocan or egyption and know mr MISHA'AL ............or know someone there........

11th Feb 2008, 18:16
spot on... by far the rudest idiots with the attitude of "over worked under paid" guys please please dont turn on soft if a cabin jump seat request comes from any one of them.

11th Feb 2008, 18:24
after renovation their office the service was ok for short period but now it's back to normal .. I dont know what happened there :confused:

Al Fakhem Snr.
11th Feb 2008, 18:43
Why wonder? Everyone knows what the problem is.

Shia lazy bums, run by shia, lazy bosses. Despotism prevails and so Gulf Air in turning a page, only started a repeat of where it was before.

The Murtazas and the Sultans will come back only under a different name.

Why try to think as to how it is going to change or improve?

it will be the overfilled garbage bin of Middle Eastern aviation.

5 white
11th Feb 2008, 19:00
If you are pretty lady or if you have high grade then everything will go smooth in staff travel :sad:

11th Feb 2008, 19:09
I hope the CP reads prune

Al Fakhem Snr.
11th Feb 2008, 19:18
Tell CP GF is US, and full of BS.

Theatrical moves only serve to swerve the ship but not necessarily put it in the right direction and rid it of it's ills. For that you need managers with balls and policies in place.

Maybe he can read this, unless /emirates is paying him to keep it as it is.

12th Feb 2008, 02:25
I heard thier manager Ebrahim is still there because he is pimp to top manangers.................... that manager should not be there.

12th Feb 2008, 07:03
Al Fakhim snr

I am not a “sheat” but, it hurts when some one expresses his opinion with anti religion, racism or discrimination.:=

We are , and supposed to be an educated group of professionals, let’s live up to expectation and not drag into silly childish irresponsible attitudes, OK ?

Would you like it if some one spoke ill of your religion , race or nationality? I think not.

Dessert Aviator
12th Feb 2008, 07:23
I have to disagree with most of these posts re rude staff.
I would wholely agree that the current system should be changed to a modern selfticketing system therby taking all staff travel personnel out of the loop. That of course would be against the Bahrianisation policy.
It took me just 2 and a half hours to get my annual leave tickets on Sunday but Mr"E"s secratary could'nt have been more helpfull.:cool:

12th Feb 2008, 08:11
Dessert Aviator
I fully agree with you.
Bahranisation is an issue but, I believe staff travel problems can be resolved without coming any where near nationalization, nor automation and extra expenses either.

If they close down staff travel altogether and allow any and all GF ticketing offices to do the job, this would be a win win situation, on one hand , they can move all the employees to other GF sales offices, and on the other hand, they will not spend any money un necessarily on automation.

It can be done, all other airlines have staff travel and they do not have half as much problems with it as we do.

5 white
12th Feb 2008, 12:39
Staff travel system is a headache, full of errors .. Did they pay for this system or it's free ??

12th Feb 2008, 12:57
To close down staff travel is good idea, this if you will talk about saving
money but Gulfair is professional in wasting money

12th Feb 2008, 13:08
Geez folks...never had any problem.. apply online get the e-ticket...if its a leave ticket then give it plenty of time a visit to the travel office is inevitible.(WHY?)..plan the time accordingly...remember southern hospitality works..the "New York minute" attitude does not:ok:

12th Feb 2008, 13:31
we all mouslim brothers pls stop it....by the way most of them are soni ....only one person is shiat.... WE ALL MOUSLIM......so no need for that......will said IB

12th Feb 2008, 13:40
Please learn to engage brain and hand whilst typing - spelling mistake like yours are a no-no on this professional forum :E

12th Feb 2008, 17:07
ironbutt57 it same to be you know nothing about staff travel system .
some time even if you apply a month before doesn't work & when you said on line suppose to get you tkt at the same time not to wait for days.
what about other airline TKT.
Unless if you know one of boss then every thing it will be ok to you.
I don't know if this system the bought from China?
very cheep & it's so old other airline the have very advance system

12th Feb 2008, 17:41
ironbutt i understand your point.. but to be honest unless u are getting an eticket that place is a farce. some staff are not to bad but if u get there and need something that is not easy ie travel overseas it is a mess. imho they need a totally automated sytem like most large airlines. this would get rid of all the problems. something they have always promised and never delivered on.

12th Feb 2008, 18:48

Al Fakhem Snr.
12th Feb 2008, 21:34
Muslims are muslims and there is no difference? Hum!

I don't think so, the majority do not make mortadella of their back shouting inane slogans....

Anyway besides the point, I never go into the details ofthe nomenclatura of what sect anyone is, but it is quite apparent that the majority of procrastinating bird droppings I've come accross are Shias.

Call it sheer coincidence or shocking facts, it certainly left and impression on me and still does.

Now as to the english standards, I let you fathom the prospect of wonderous R/T tactics and CRM that seem to have stopped evolving at GF thanks to the Shia gangs that are still to some extent running the show.

Staff travel is only the tip of the iceberg.

Over and out

17th Feb 2008, 05:14
What Capt Fatal said:

we all mouslim brothers pls stop it....by the way most of them are soni ....only one person is shiat.... WE ALL MOUSLIM......so no need for that......will said IB"

....really made me laugh...not necessarily by the thought of the statement, mostly the grammar...

And what left to first class said:

Please learn to engage brain and hand whilst typing - spelling mistake like yours are a no-no on this professional forum "

....ultimately made me roll on the floor....hahaha...
I totally agree with you LTFC!!! And with what scanscanscan said:

"Captain Fatal (Dean Martin).....Are you sure you are not an airline pilot?"

....I had to stop rolling on the floor lest i fall down the stairs...


One could just imagine how high the level of education some people have by the kind of English they possess which made scanscanscan say that. Hmmm...when will the English Proficiency be required of all pilots?

just asking...

18th Feb 2008, 10:11
Shut the place down, put computer terminals in the office with a tech helper or 2. Stop wasting everyones time.

I paid full fare my last trip to avoid the frustration and headache :ugh:

18th Feb 2008, 11:37
As long as senior management can send their office-boys to hang around the staff travel office, as long as some people who know "the secret handshake"jump the lines, as long as that infuriating woman that "works" there (you know the one that keeps flicking her head scarf every 5 seconds) isn't terminated and as long as no-one confiscates the mobile phones of the staff travel personnel, NOTHING will change. No matter how widely open Mr. E.E.'s (manager staff travel) office door is. The bloke sits behind is desk and can clearly see that his underlings do F..K all. At best two desks are occupied by staff who only manage to "serve" 1 customer in half an hour between them. The rest of the S.T. staff have obviously better things to do in their shiny new back office.
As suggested by other members, a workable automated system - one that also accepts bookings with other airlines - is needed.

5 white
18th Feb 2008, 15:54
Why staff travel system is not working these days ???

I wasted my time in staff travel, just to issue long service ticket .

God bless you if counter No. 2 will serve you :eek:

18th Feb 2008, 17:31
I see in a memo there is an acting manager?? Is this a sign!!

A Bunker
18th Feb 2008, 17:49
what memo????

Al Fakhem Snr.
18th Feb 2008, 18:59
It is not the memo that is going to make the difference nor changing the manager, first start making the staff accountable and not parchuted green berets with an attitude of a disgruntled civil servant.

Actually if it was not for the manager, many of us would never get our tickets on time, let alone get one period.

Bin Michal and those sultry scarfed ladies, who hide behind their religion as a pretense not to serve, and you will see things improve without an effort.

But as soemone said earlier on this forum, get an automated system and save yourself the hastle of all this crap. Can't believe how far behind GF is.

5 white
19th Feb 2008, 19:41
I dont think this manager will create any difference in staff travel.. He's there for ages !!

Haji.. it's time to use all your fingers while typing on keyboard rather than one finger :ok:

Panama Jack
20th Feb 2008, 05:24
Bin Michal and those sultry scarfed ladies, who hide behind their religion as a pretense not to serve, and you will see things improve without an effort.

Out of Encarta Dictionary:

sul·try [súltree]
1. hot and damp: oppressively hot and damp
2. sensual: giving a suggestion of underlying passion and sensuality

[Late 16th century. < obsolete sulter "swelter." Origin ?]

-sul·tri·ly, , adverb
-sul·tri·ness, , noun
Microsoft® Encarta® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Is there something that you see in these ladies that I don't. ;)

20th Feb 2008, 08:20
Unless its an annual leave ticket, I always use the ticket desk at the airport. Pick the right time if you can, and the guys there are pretty ok (even at 1am) - done it a few times and no problems.
Oh and if a paying pax is in the queue, allow them to be seen first - the guys behind the desk like this and will treat you with more respect when its your turn.

Back to staff travel - automate it like most airlines. But then what about Bahrainisation ......?

Panama Jack
20th Feb 2008, 08:46
Unless its an annual leave ticket or a pass for travel on other airlines (or for ticket refunds), there is really no reason to even go to Staff Travel, or the airport for ticketing (supposedly we aren't supposed to go there anymore, but can now go to any other Gulf Air Ticketing Office).

But as I said, no need. I think all GF destinations are E-ticket ones; make the ID booking on-line, check payroll-deduct and within minutes if not seconds "Almost There" sends the e-ticket to your @gulfair.com address. Could that be any easier?

20th Feb 2008, 15:23
I've never had problems arranging all my travel needs from home through the staff travel website. If there are seats available on your proposed GF flight, you get your eticket sent almost straight away to your webmail. If your travel is on another carrier, the ticket gets sent to your pidgeon. It has worked every time for me. For some of you who just can't seem to get it right, I dare say most of the problem is from your own lack of planning.

Panama Jack
20th Feb 2008, 17:30
Any way you want to look at the situation, Staff Travel is in a whole lot better shape than it was exactly one calendar year ago. Personally, I give credit to André Dosé and Lee Shave, and it is a shame that they left otherwise I would have expected continual evidence of improvement.

From my own experience and with the exception of one or two sour grapes, I am well treated by the staff however I try to remember to bring my manners and courtesy with me also. It goes both ways, and I accept that some may say "yes, but you are a pilot; take a look and see what kind of treatment cabin crew receive . . . " Point well taken. Unfortunately, this is a fact of life throughout Gulf Air and Bahrain in general.

The major problem I see these days with Staff Travel are related to the Staff Travel on-line system. The system has "it's days" too, sometimes it slows down to painfully unusable speeds or is temperamental. Other times it does not accurately reflect the policies that are in place. I have run across no less than 3 situations where I have tried to book with airlines that we have reciprocal privledges with, but the programming was not up to date and so it did not let me. Things become awkward, and there is no sure way other than to complain to Ebrahim to get these issues resolved, and even then I get the feeling that they sometimes do not get resolved. This is a problem; there is no established recourse procedure and no external oversight or an ombudsman to ensure that problems are resolved and grievances are addressed (therefore improving service and creating less problems in the future). There are other problems with the system, such as incomplete records, and other annoyances that inconvenience the customer and create greater workload for Staff Travel.

The other problem, Sal-E is that the service of sending tickets to the mailboxes is very inconsistent. During the past few weeks I have been told that due to staff shortages, they have discontinued the service, but now and then they do manage to send a ticket through. Sometimes this is unacceptably long-- I recently received a ticket for a trip that I completed weeks ago. Restarting this service, with a reasonable established turn-around period (say, 3 days) could eliminate many trips to Staff Travel (this service could be even out-sourced to a few guys in a shack with a hook-up to Sabre in India).

21st Feb 2008, 16:50
I received an annual retirement ticket in the mail a month after I made the trip....they found it on someones desk ready to post...
and this was London...
I remember years ago after Saddam entered Kuwait...
GF was requested by the British Army to positioned the staff travel desk across the Saudi causeway....
they did this and supplied Jamila their star ticket issuer with two mobile phones and a bucket of sandwiches to keep her up to speed zero.....Saddam arrived and took one look and said "I come back tomorrow!"
We feel your pain.....despite this we all loved Jamila and got our tickets in time if we told her she had lost weight...thoes that did not are still waiting!
No sense of humour do not join.

Doors To Manuel
21st Feb 2008, 17:30
Ok guys, flights may continue to be a pain in the bum, but for staff hotel rates and good car deals its worth a peek at www.iddeals.com (http://www.iddeals.com)
No 'queueing' and no 'tickets in the post' - bliss!

21st Feb 2008, 18:54
Scanscan, :D Glad to see things haven't changed in this busy world aye. The technology may have improved, but they are still the same lovable characters turning the cogs over slowly.

Ali Baba
21st Feb 2008, 19:20
Why you gf boys always get in religion or nationality?

21st Feb 2008, 19:31
Don't think I did dude, avoid all that :yuk:

21st Feb 2008, 23:17
ali baba,
do you write the way you speak?

7th May 2008, 00:00
the gf staff travel website is <A href="mailto:f!@#$%^&*()_<>?"@#$cking">f!@#$%^&*()_<>?"@#$cking so bad. someone find the head of IT and slap him/her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is CR@P!!!!!

7th May 2008, 04:10
The main job is to find the head of any department to slap. Not easy. But lots deserving. Good luck, hope you get the culprit.

Have done the online thingy myself, not looking forward to the paper side of it.

Panama Jack
7th May 2008, 04:35
On the last day of April we received HR Update- Issue 10 from Mr. A. Al Banna, in which he expressed his disappointment with the number of responses to the Employee Satisfaction Survey.

I took the time to complete it, but I wondered what the real use of the survey was-- it asked extremely vague "statistical" types of questions about the entire Human Resources Department (which from my understanding has a very wide scope of responsibility ranging from Housing, to getting visas renewed, to Staff Travel and other odds & ends). Some of us have had more experiences with one area than others. The survey allowed for no additional comments, in other words, an opportunity for responders to identify problem areas. So after completeing the form I had to ask myself "what have I really accomplished?"

7th May 2008, 18:21
I assume people might be afraid also to fill it out since I heard it is web-based survey. In that case, they might be able to know exactly who filled which survey (i.e. it is not a completely anonymous one). Given what has been happening with GF in the last year, I would say Icarus's point is the main one (people do not care anymore or see that it will do any good).

9th May 2008, 07:33
I heard from some of the staff that they can not issue a ticket on other airlines in the system .WHY?
Now is E-TKT time so things should be smooth, what they will do if they out of the country and there is no staff travel?:(:ooh:

If there is a system why they need staff travel or managers to run it:*

9th May 2008, 09:16
another office to employ locals is the only answer i can think of.

25th May 2008, 12:49
To all my respects to readers and gf staffs which they are reading this forum, but unfortunately gulf air staffs, they are lazy to read or learn and unfamiliar with the new technology which is gulf air they spend millions to make it so easy. the e tickets it can be done at home with few min,s but some as their brain not functioning ,they have to come to staff travel to waste them time and others for silly question , we can’t blame it in the staffs (( staff travel )) which I found them working hard and they try them best to satisfy each persona and I do believe and I,m sure others they do agreed with me that gulfair staff s ,they have to learn to read as a huge booklet with full information been published long time ago ,and I,m a hundred percent sure only few read it , so the questing shell will blame it on them or in others staff whom incapable to learn or read. I’m so disappointed to read an article blaming the staff because of their religions or believe and who wrote this article he has to look himself at home and to gain knowledge in manner s, and regarding they whole staffs working their they need to be salute and appreciation full of their effort they done ,
Thanks for your time

25th May 2008, 12:56
Staff travel must be visited when obtaining offline and sometimes online tickets due to e-system deficiencies...the last time i visited (dec 2007) one kind lady with glasses was doing all the work, while the others were on their mobile phones or on break...

I agree with Aqua71 that insulting comments towards individuals nationalities/religious backgrounds are out of line, however ther IS a motivational/productivity issue with a FEW employees at staff travel...when all the automatic/computerized systems are available then it will be much improved...keep in mind all of our staff/crews may not have satisfactory online access to be able to complete the transactions they require, so a personal visit to staff travel becomes necessary.

It becomes a bit disappointing in particular to our cabin crews who treat all passengers whether they be revenue, or other staff on personal travel, with the same respect and level of service, just to be jerked around by the very staff whose SOLE purpose is to provide service to GF staff..

No doubt there have been many improvements in staff travel, now a review of task-sharing assignments, and individual productivity there may be in order to further reduce the time needed to serve each individual customer...yes we are their customers, and we need to be seen as such!

26th May 2008, 17:10
capt fat.....

i do believe mentioning names in such as forums its not acceptable ... thats why you r hiding your real name as capt .........
plus the staff you mentioned .he is one of the best in staff travel

26th May 2008, 18:23
For GOD seek . u should stop involving
Religion when ever wrote or speaks
.you have to talk facts instead talking nonsense .

27th May 2008, 04:08
The manager is no longer there......btw

28th May 2008, 20:22
Well Girls
You should have been there in the 1970/80's When Staff travel was in the OLD airport complex. If you could get an ID90 ticket within two days you felt that you had done well.
There were two sofa's at the back of the customer counter. So that you could kip down for the night and be first in the queue next morning.
Good to hear that Jamila is so fondly remembered.
Plus ca change. Sid.

29th May 2008, 07:18
Don't you start giving them ideas now!!

3rd Jun 2008, 18:18
Really amused to read the comments about staff travel. I was in Gulf Air during the 70's and most of the 80's. It was a nightmare then, and clearly is for most now. Used my free "firm" ticket to go to S Africa a few years ago, got the feeling all through the Gulf stops that their main intent was to try and off load me!! Prefer to buy BA tickets now.