View Full Version : offer to MAN KA Crew

1st Feb 2008, 13:59

what is the latest regarding the letter KA guys received from CX ?? Does it only affect MAN base guys ??? What about the rest ?

Is this another blow to CX F/O and SFO's ( after RA 65 and Cos 08) that will lead to even longer upgrade times? Will KA bring own A/C's into CX so it would be a zero-sum game ? Hardly possible with all these 200s about to retire...
( Don't get me wrong, I am not in principal against integration of KA, but this would be extremely unfair to CX guys waiting to upgrade IMHO)..

1st Feb 2008, 14:12
Are there 744Fs currently based at MAN?
All KA captains wherever they are based have been offered MAN commands on either the classic, or on the 400 if we are rated on it. We are being told that this is fair to you as if you want a freighter command you can bid for one anytime you like.

2nd Feb 2008, 01:45
And as there are always vacancies for freighter Capt you should NOT be whinghing about KA capt..... Its not their CHOICE to come to CX its YOUR managements idea.....


2nd Feb 2008, 02:04
dragon, I fully agree that whatever the outcome is, there are not the KA pilots to blame.

I actually was more interested if the offer is attractive at all for a KA pilot, given the circumstances of joining at the bottom and no chance for pax fleet for a couple of years ( 12+ for cpts). How many will accept that offer in the first place?

2nd Feb 2008, 04:09
I think there will be few/////// Also think there will be few going to KA airbus fleet and the rest will have no problem finding a job in Europe.....

Thanks for agreeing with me. It's NOT the KA boys 'fault'.


2nd Feb 2008, 07:56
The timescale of having to make a decision in 30 days doesn't give many pilots the opportunity to find employment elsewhere. Most have mortgages and families to feed so will be forced into taking a job with CX at least until they are offered something else.

The offer as it stands certainly isn't seen as attractive and it is hoped that the DPA will be able to make some improvements.

From what I've seen and discussed with mates in CX and the AOA, they all seem to be empathetic and aware that we are not the enemy. FWIW, I don't have any problem with CX pilots - this is not an us and them scenario. We need to remain on good terms with each other if we are to prevent management from screwing us even further. (Of course I reserve the right to change my mind after a RCC! :eek:)

2nd Feb 2008, 12:59
does anyone know what the deal is for those who transfer across to cx freighters? are these guys gonna start on year 1 salaries, if so thats a paycut for most not to mind loosing years of seniority. can t see too many guys accepting this as a long term option.:bored:

3rd Feb 2008, 00:55
Would it not be a good time to join forces - we are now getting very close to a situation where what affects 'one lot' is most certainly going to be affecting the other. I for one would welcome some fresh thinkers into the "AOA+DPA" (read; new association) - fresh thinkers from an association that has just come in from a round of "sucessful" negotiations.
Pooling of resources, more members etc etc
Are there any negatives?

Mr. Bloggs
3rd Feb 2008, 01:50
Maybe the DPA can take over AOA.:ok:

4th Feb 2008, 12:35
Gentlemen, and I use the term loosely

If it's okay for the Cathay management to go to Dragon for short term replacement then I propose that

DPA & AOA join together to fight this matter.

In fact it could work out better to join the two unions. I know that the AOA could certainly do with some help (Pity Steve wouldn't like that very much) and the DPA would probably object as well. However in the long run I figure it would out.

Then again Cathay (I mean Swire) always look at things in the short term. If it saves them money now they will do it, even if it means spending more money down the line. The little man who makes this call is easily replaced if and when he stuffs up.

Why not have the wisdom of two unions (forget Steve in this point - HBP don't count) and fight the battle.


ps HBP = Hand Bag Princess:eek: