View Full Version : vegetarian/ special meals

30th Jan 2008, 11:56
If you have a different diet how do you get fed at CX?

30th Jan 2008, 14:57
In the past CX gave the option to all pilots. Now, you will only be allowed to request special meals if you have a note/letter from a Doctor saying they are medically required. This could mean allergies or such, but not personal preference.

So, bring your own if you need something to eat. They will board you a full crew meal that you can pick through - salad and fruit, and there are some sealed indian meals you can heat up.

Looks like another flight of throwing away a full tray of food and eating noodles from the store !

Hope this helps

31st Jan 2008, 09:54
This is especially galling knowing that the CPCS kitchens provide specialist flight crew meals for several other airlines that operate out of Hong Kong. All you do is ring a number within about 4 hours of departure stating your flight number and you get a limited selection of the passenger variations, such as vegetarian, halal or kosher.

Of course this costs the airline a little bit extra but compared to the overall cost of catering, say, a 747 it is so marginal as to be negligible. Indeed it is sometimes used as a marketing extra when a contract comes up for renewal.

Within CX there is no contract renewal anyway - you get CPCS whether you want it or not. So you get the minimum cost catering which includes minimum cost crew meals.

Still better than USA regionals and LCC's but it would be such a small cost to validate the crews.

Oh, I forgot: since 1993 such validation is considered weak management.