View Full Version : Oasis general info

TCAS Shennanigans
29th Jan 2008, 01:48
Just wondering if anyone can offer any details, vague or otherwise on the salaries and rostering etc?

thanks in advance for your info.

Park n Shop
31st Jan 2008, 03:31
Can't help with your question sorry, but those orange ties please someone get rid of them.
What were they thinking or not thinking! They look very bright. What do the crews and their wives think of them?:yuk:
They look like something out of an art gallery!

31st Jan 2008, 04:29
That was a very important one.....:yuk:

31st Jan 2008, 15:53
Park n shop

...and I thought, I'm being paid to fly airplanes. I didn't realize, that this is supposed to be a beauty contest....

My wife does not seem to care, what color my tie is - I just asked, sorry.

Anyway, sofar Oasis is a great place to be - very friendly and accommodating management team. Obviously, reciprocity is implicitly expected from the crew members, which is more than fair. Long may it last.

As far as expansion goes...(as far as I know) it is expected to go ahead, albeit in a slightly slower pace, than initially anticipated.

1st Feb 2008, 02:06
Salary for Capt HK$85,140, FO HK$56,000, SO HK$42,500. Housing HK$25,000 pm. No proper PF or pension but min contribution by employer and employee into MPF. Gratuity of 15% of 36xmonthly salary after 3 completed years and 15% of 12xmonthly salary after each further completed year. Total annual credit hours 804 but don’t know any more about how they are rostered. 48 days annual leave. Staff travel free except taxes, subject to space.

Is that enough to be going on with? Any more - see their recruiters in the Slashers Arms.

TCAS Shennanigans
1st Feb 2008, 13:15
Thanks to all who have taken to the time to reply, I do appreciate it and hope you all have a great weekend.
