View Full Version : Templehof Berlin

27th Jan 2008, 21:56

Just idling thinking about the closure of Templehof and wondered if any PPL's had landed there?

Crossed my mind that it might be a good place for a fly out before it disappears.



27th Jan 2008, 22:50
A truly awe inspiring place. the sheer scale of the whole concept is so evocative of Albert Speer and Hitlers aims and ambitions.
Very well worth a visit.
East flight, small landing fees and amazing city to visit East and West.

28th Jan 2008, 06:58



28th Jan 2008, 07:01
Closure is scheduled Oct 08 - I will pop over and get some pictures including hopefully a movie of the final :)

28th Jan 2008, 07:09
We're planning a club flight with as many aircraft as we possibly can so that everybody who wants to can get Tempelhof in their logbooks before it closes. Date is not yet known.

28th Jan 2008, 09:53
If you cannot get to Berlin have a look at the listed terminal at Birmingham(old side) the verandah was modeled on Templehof and is the only example in the UK.

28th Jan 2008, 13:09
Meant to go last year, but I never got around to it.

Definitely in the plans for this summer.

28th Jan 2008, 17:22
Went there back in '04 when I had 16hrs P1 in my log book!!:eek:
Fantastic place, (both the airfield and the city).
Do it while you can, you're only young once!

28th Jan 2008, 21:02
I fly there regularly. (Well, sort-of-regularly.)
There's a very nice flying school there, where I can rent two very nice PA18s. (They also offer a DA 40 TDI, a DA 42, a C150 (built in 1962), an Ercoupe, an AC112, an Aurora, a Bücker Jungmann, a Chippi and Stearman).

And many Berliners are truly fighting to keep this airport open! Currently they are collecting signatures for the referendum. 170.000 signatures are needed by Feb 14th, 2008. The current count is at ca. 160.000, so it looks quite good.

And the mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit has already stated that he intends to ignore this.

Isn't it great when a politician clearly states that he doesn't give a s**t about what the citizens want?! :yuk::yuk::yuk:

30th Jan 2008, 20:57
I have some time off in February and I really want to fly from London to Templehof. Any suggestions on routing and a place to stop and re-fuel on the way?

Kerosene Kraut
31st Jan 2008, 10:07
Tempelhof supporters say they now have more than the required 170k signatures to initiate a "Volksbegehren" (local people's request to change a law) next. However they'd need a fourth of the local voters (that would be like 610k people) to have this accepted in a separate campaign. And finally it will not be strictly legally binding for the government. The mayor might have to change his mind as he has no alternative use for the place planned after the intended closure.

People living close to the airport are said to be the most ardent supporters of it's continuing operation in the recent campaign. Looks like the opposite of Nimbys there.

lady in red
31st Jan 2008, 10:27
I landed at Templehof on 10th August 1992 when i was still a PPL. The route we took from London was Biggin Hill to Cologne for refuelling then to Berlin. Next day we flew to Warsaw, then following day to Vilnius, then Riga, then Helsinki, then Stockholm, Malmo and back via Southend. Six day trip in a GA7 Cougar. Great experience and very interesting visits in all the cities as the wall had only recently come down. Mostly I seem to remember we had to fly below military airspace at around 1000 feet most of the time following airway routings. There was no AVGAS after Warsaw.

31st Jan 2008, 10:30
And the mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit has already stated that he intends to ignore this. Isn't it great when a politician clearly states that he doesn't give a s**t about what the citizens want?!

Hmm.. reminds me of what happened at Chicago when the mayor closed Meigs. He bulldozed the runway when loads of aircraft were still based there! It's now a park that no-one bothers visiting as it's stuck out on a limb:(

3rd Feb 2008, 18:25
Like you folks, were planning to go in August if we get our Europa back in one piece. Failing that will take a couple of weeks off and go in the old SZ45. One bright spark at our field suggested we charter a Dragon Rapide fill it full of bodies and go in style or borrow the parachute schools Antonov.
Is a must do for 08:ok:

the bald eagle
2nd Mar 2008, 09:17
Did this in July 2005 in a PA28
Round trip flight time 13hours
With the exception of Ostend which now cannot stand GA as some of the major carriers operate from there (Tommy Cook is one) they have no need for us to support them any more, all other places were cheap for landing and fuel especially Braunsweig (EDVE) well worth a visit also the German ATC for those who have had no experience with is worth the trip alone they certainly got their services act together:ok: