View Full Version : GPS Software Option Evaluation

26th Jan 2008, 17:25
I'm converting to a microlight with no radio nav and I'm trying to evaluate options for portable GPS software for my forthcoming XDA or similar Windows Mobile 6 phone. I would like to be able to plan on a PC, use moving maps for UK and the continent (if possible) and view my flights on google earth.
Can anyone share some experience and pros/cons of Memory Map, PocketFMS, Flymap and any others that I should consider?
Is it possible to turn off the "phones" part of these devises while still running the GPS? Do these small integrated GPSs work OK inside a plane without an external transceiver? Thanks for your help! :)

While we are at it, what are the options for flight planning software?

26th Jan 2008, 19:26
With regard to PocketFMS, I should declare an interest, in that I am a beta tester for them. I've no financial interest....just an enthuastic user, who was invited to test the software before public release, and help stear the development of new features.

So I suppose my advice might be a little biased, but remember I was an enthuastic user long before I became a beta tester ;)

PocketFMS does everything that you ask above, including the flight planning. Unlike Memory Map & FlyMap, it does not use scanned charts, but instead builds it's own maps.

The advantages of using it's own maps, are:
1. The maps stay clear on all zoom levels, where the scanned ones are really only clear on one zoom level.
2. You can declutter. For example, on a really close in zoom level, you can see everything, and on a really zoomed out level, you can only show the few items that you really want to see. Each zoom level retains it's own setting for what you want shown on it. There is also a second moving map, which has it's own independent settings.
3. If you like to fly "Track Up" all the text remains that right way up. On a scanned chart, the text is only the right way up, when you are flying north.
4. Scanned charts are generally only updated once per year. So if the airspace changes during the year, you are still looking at old airspace boundaries on your GPS. PFMS aerodata is updated every two hours, and a user can get updates whenever they like without further charges.

You can if you wish, scan charts and use them within PFMS, but most people don't bother.

PFMS desktop version interacts seemlessly with the PDA. Everything is available on both systems, and they talk to one another as easily as you would expect.

Flight planning can be done on either the PDA, or the PC, and includes full weather and radar information.

Again, unlike the other two systems mentioned, PFMS has worldwide coverage, so you don't need to buy new charts or databases if you leave the UK. As far as I know FlyMap only covers Europe (and you buy additional charts as you need them for Europe). I think MM only covers the UK, but I could be wrong on that.

PocketFMS is also under constant development. It has a very active user forum, where new features are requested by the users. How it might would is debated in public, until a conclusion is reached, and incorporated into a future version. The developers listen very closely to the user base.

Unlike the two other systems you mention, EVERYTHING is included in the basic price of the PocketFMS system. There are no additonal charges for the PC version or the PDA version, no additional charges for airspace databases updates, no additional charges for software updates, and no additional charges for weather information.

Finially, while I am just very much an enthuastic user, no doubt my status as a beta tester might cloud your impression of my opinion ;) So for an independent view, here is a link (http://www.pocketfms.com/Downloads/Reviews/FlyerMagazine.pdf)to a recent review in Flyer Magazine. There is a new version about to be released soon which totally changes the user interface to make it much easier to use, and more configurable.

I hope that helps ;)


ps. edited to add that I forgot to say that you don't need to take my opinion, or that of Flyer magazine....you can actually download a 30 day trial free of charge from http://www.pocketfms.com and try it out for yourself ;)

27th Jan 2008, 07:48
That is awesome! Thank you ever so much dub.