View Full Version : Recent PPL

25th Jan 2008, 19:38
I have recently gained my PPL and at present am going to rent an aircraft from my local flying school at Manchester Airport. The cost of this is expensive compared to other flying schools in the area but the benifits of flying out of an International airport is that your RT & airmanship has to be top notch. I am considering joining a no equity group but this is based at a smaller airfield and I am reluctant to leave what I have got now except for the expense. Has anybody else had a similar experience? If so what have you done and where? (local to Manchester Area)

25th Jan 2008, 20:00
Dont be fooled into thinking that flying at manchester makes you any more sharp . It makes you skinter I'll say that much. You RT from Barton (should you choose to use it ) has to be just as good as manchester , it is just a different sort of challenge . YOur not spoon fed like you are at CC and a lot of the decsisons you make are exactly that , they are your decisions made at your discretion . If you have recently done your PPL at Manchester , have a go at Barton on your tod and let us know how many go arounds you had before you put it down . I was the same I learnt at Brize Norton and there is a big difference between 2 miles and 600m .
The challenges of flying out of manchester are just different than Barton and not harder or requiring a greater degree of skill. IMHO the more diverse your flying the better a pilot you will be . Go fly from Barton and see for yourself.
ON the second note I am in the no equity group Im sure of which you speak. Ill wager I can fly two hours in a brand new g1000 172 for the price you pay for one hour in a school a/c on self fly hire at CC , and I wont have to hold once on RTB .
Give it a go , anyone can land on 2 miles of concrete , Barton is way more fun

25th Jan 2008, 20:57
We fly from Barton and would definatly say that the R/T is not simpler or less demanding than some of the larger airports. The cct is normally busy and the airmanship decisions are complicated and demandins. The advantages are that you are in open FIR almost straight away. The short fields are a challenge at first, but are fun once they are tamed !! I fly in a share in a C172 from there and find every flight fun filled and I wouldnt dream of keeping a light aircraft at a larger airport with the prices and holding times :-)

26th Jan 2008, 09:38
Like you I learned at an International airport and I was also concerned about losing the RT skills. I joined a no equity grouip at an AG (occasionally) airfield . It really isn't a problem as with our weather I have twice so far had to go back for currnecy check at flying school after exceeding the 28 days between flight required by the insurance company. We just trnasmit blind at all usual points. My only concern has been the microlights , which have no radio. It seems odd to me that their circuit height is 500 and GA at 800. I am always squirreling about trying to see below the nose to be sure there is no one there. My major problem that I had not anticpated is getting the aircraft in/out of T hanger. Due to my age and arthritis I find heaving the door up exhausting and although we have a little garden tractor to pull a/c out I am always jumping off to check clearnace as I try to reverse it in. Howver this is nothing in the big picture. I say go for it. You will still use the radio as much when airborne and the benefits are great.

26th Jan 2008, 18:18
I am not here to malign anyone or thier school, but I recently asked for the solo rent price of a PA28 at CC. Good God is what springs to mind! I wanted to hire it, not buy it!!!!!!!!

Your airmanship / RT will not suffer as a result of leaving Manchester. The way you pass information is exactly the same in the FIR if you choose to talk to anyone (always a good idea) the only difference is rather than being told you position in the queue to land you have to make the choice youself at an Air/Ground station. Remeber even under radar control VFR rules apply and seperation is your responsibilty, to the only difference you will notice is the lack of a tower telling you £cleared take off" as opposed to "take off at your discretion" Your airmanship will improve as you will need to think for yourself a lot more. What you will notice is a much smaller hole in you bank account, a MUCH smaller hole!!