View Full Version : iTunes and Vista

21st Jan 2008, 13:28
A friend of mine can't import mp3 tracks from a CD into iTunes. Normal CDs import OK, but not this mp3 one. Anyone had a similar problem?

21st Jan 2008, 15:23
You're getting your terminology slightly wrong. iTunes "import" fuction describes reading the CD audio data from a normal CD and converting it into MP3, or whatever else it's set to use.

If you're just using a CD already full of MP3's, you'll need to add those files to the library. I imagine you can do this from the File menu. Look for something which talks about adding to your library...

I don't use iTunes myself, so I can't describe the procedure exactly.

Hope this helps :)

21st Jan 2008, 15:31
Sorry, I'll clarify slightly. He's trying to add them to iTunes by the normal method of dragging the files into the library/music window, but it's not working.

21st Jan 2008, 15:37
Do you know if the files are protected by DRM? (digital rights management). Although I'm not entirely sure if that would cause the problem you describe.

You can also try copying the files to the hard disk first, and then dragging them into iTunes.

green granite
21st Jan 2008, 15:57
The DRM in vista is one of the reasons for not using it.

Long and short of it is that Vista has the most "pervasive and invasive" DRM ever put into an operating system, and it's in all flavors of Vista (not just the "Ultimate" edition, which is essentially the new Media Center edition) because it's buried deep in the Windows kernel. The worst thing to me is the fact that content owners (think MPAA and RIAA) are dictating technology decisions at an amazing level. In some cases the hardware you have today may simply stop being able to play said content in the future because they have built into the OS the ability to revoke hardware drivers at any point in the future, either for technical reasons such as the discovery of "content leakage" or because the hardware company stopped paying their Vista DRM license fees.

21st Jan 2008, 17:35
Do you know if the files are protected by DRM?
Not as far as I know. We can drag them into iTunes on the Mac here at work, and also my Mac at home.

21st Jan 2008, 18:38
Just yet another reason not to use Vista, isn't it?

24th Jan 2008, 06:55
Or a reason not to use iTunes/iPods as I have no issues doing almost anything with mp3's (burning to CD, putting on mp3 players/memory sticks, etc) and I running Vista.