View Full Version : Radar Controllers Wanted

throw a dyce
12th Jan 2008, 17:42
I see in the the latest Flight ads that HK is looking for 12 expat radar controllers.However if you are over 40 then forget it.Ageism isn't dead and is illegal in the UK.Interesting that they advertise in a UK publication,for UK/ICAO controllers,and break UK leglisation.:D:confused:Anyway are CAD throwing in the towel?:rolleyes:

13th Jan 2008, 07:17
hey there Dyce

you worked in HK did you not?

I thought age discrimination was against the law (for civil service jobs .... which these most surely are) in honkers as well, which is why they hired a handful of 50 year olds back in '98 (like Desi etc) after complaints were made by some of the older applicants as to why they weren't offered jobs!

are you able to fill us in on this one mate.

throw a dyce
13th Jan 2008, 08:19
Yes I did from 98 to 01.I e-mailed the Real Time Consultants and was told in very plain english that at 46 I was too old.Actually the money isn't that good anymore as the £60K pa is about £6K less than I get here.Before gratuity etc of course.
So there you go.Help set up CLK for them,and get told to F:mad: off Oldtimer.Looks like Gweilo Airlines should be renamed GweiOld Controller srapyard.Anyway better get back to tuning my ride mower with the HKATC sticker.Got to beat the DB golf cart.:cool:

14th Jan 2008, 16:07
Actually the money isn't that good anymore as the £60K pa is about £6K less than I get here.

Anyway better get back to tuning my ride mower with the HKATC sticker.Got to beat the DB golf cart.
No chance against my old GBP50K screamer. ;)
10K pound per HP - :eek:

throw a dyce
14th Jan 2008, 20:08
Top Gear I promise :p.What you £50K get you in HK? JC would have kittens laughing.The biggest rip off IN THE WORLD.:D

So what with these jobs Bekol.PM me.:ok:

21st Jan 2008, 04:28
Hi - I just bought the December and January Flight Internationals and couldn't find these ads.
Do you mind saying what issue and page? (I'm in HK - maybe they weren't in my version for some reason).

throw a dyce
21st Jan 2008, 11:21
It was on Flight Int web site,but the ad was in only a few days.It's gone now.