View Full Version : STBY for Busy roster

10th Jan 2008, 22:29
Guys stand by for Feb's roster it will be full full full!!!! With all of the India flights, Chinese new year flights etc....

As it is they are really battling to make ends meet. Expect a lot of G day call outs, so please do not accept work on a G day, it is the only way we can force them to fix the problems here at CX.

For the guys that are not working on G days, please explain to the more junior crews that a once off payment of $1000 is not even a 3% increase in your salary. For a Captain it is only a .25% increase for the month.

So if you do not work on a G day even if it forces them to give us a tiny increase in pay it you will be better off by not working!!!

10th Jan 2008, 23:49
Seems to me that it is the senior crew members that are working on G days...at least in the land of NAM based freighter crew.


11th Jan 2008, 01:08
I hear February is good for golf!!!

The Management
11th Jan 2008, 01:23
Do you think a senior crew member will give up $XX,000 or $XXX,000 not to work a G day and fly the freighter? Junior pilots are so naïve. Keep dreaming.

We depend on greed and selfishness from the pilots. It is so predictable. Infighting is just as predictable. We are very good at what we do and you will never be organized enough to have a piss up in a brewery. Face the facts, why join the AOA. It is futile.

We will pay overtime to some pilots where we need, but a G/O day callout is much cheaper. Compared to the amount of money we make this holiday season, some EFP is just a drop in the well. Thank you to those pilots helping The Cathay Pacific Group. Your names will be remembered.

To My Bonus!

The Management

Arfur Dent
11th Jan 2008, 04:25
Might need to concentrate on office work and contingency plans Mr M. The boys and girls may just have found your Achilles heel!

The Management
11th Jan 2008, 06:42
Ah yes Jag, just next to the yellow bit on their back.

Do you actually think a Captain will fight your fight? You are so naïve. We pay captains well. The ones that enjoy working for The Cathay Pacific Group and help receive EFP for doing so. It all about money, you don’t work for it, you don’t get it. If you want a payrise, we need productivity for it.

By the way, thanks for giving us all that productivity for nothing in return. It helped My Bonus.

So the junior first officers and second officers’ rebel, we have captains that will fly and we always need a captain. They will not join your fight. Thanks for trying.

To My Bonus.

The Management

11th Jan 2008, 08:21
What's that you say Management? I Can't hear you?

Oh that's right.................you on my ignore list.:ok:

11th Jan 2008, 10:57
Dear M, the fact of the matter is that your flight ops wheels are slowly starting to wobble. Soon they will fall off by them selves. You will eventually run short of crews, especially when the boys down south start recruiting, when that happens...here is to your new posting at coca-cola (probably in Whuan) :ok::ok:

11th Jan 2008, 11:46
... It would also appear that with the "improved benefits" of COS 08, if a G Day call out puts you into overtime NO overtime is paid. The G day call out payment is deemed to be sufficient reward!!.....

So exactly why would you do your colleague out of 10 Hours of overtime for a DPS or SPK turnaround by selfishly taking a couple of grand for your G Day.

Numero Crunchero
11th Jan 2008, 12:46
I haven't got CoS08 in front of me but I suspect you have got the HDP section confused with overtime. CX has never paid more than 84hrs in HDP - they say that overtime is reward enough for working beyond 84hrs. It should have nothing to do with receiving G day compensation.

11th Jan 2008, 13:01
I was just heading back to edit when I saw NC's post .... I meant to say that it was second hand info, but having agreed to work one of the long day turnarounds on a G Day, the party was expecting G Day Call out PLUS the 10 hours O/T the day would pick up ... but apparently was only ending up with the G call out (comments??).

Hate spreading unsubstantiated rumor but was concerned we had missed something in COS 2008.... Yet another reason not to work G's?

11th Jan 2008, 15:53
Good morning everyone,

I've always said, the best defence is a good offence. I enjoy Management's post as they clearly show how much Flt Ops are on the ropes. They are hurting bad and it is getting worse. And they haven't got a clue what to do.

Sit back and enjoy the ride. It's going to get interesting!


Arfur Dent
11th Jan 2008, 17:42
Oh Dear Mr M - I know that Management have this airline running so sweetly that the likes of you can spend your time on Pprune but you really should pay attention. YOUR Achilles heel is in THEIR backs!?? What we are saying is a little more subtle and may need some skill in response. How can you intimidate people who are not required to be contactable - put everyone on duty 24/7?? I really don't think your bonus is very large at all - not at your level. :D