View Full Version : Looking for somewhere to go

2nd Jan 2008, 20:37
Looking for another place to visit and not getting a lot of inspiration at the moment with all this ropey weather.
Thinking about 1 hour each way from Coventry in a 172 or 152,anybody got any ideas.
Places visited so far in my limited experience:
P/boro Conington
Turweston (what an epic;))

Is it possible to fly into Cosford for a reasonable fee?

Just something to keep my hand in until wx/light improves.Have started my NQ but have had a few wx cancellations.
Looking to spread my wings a bit more in the summer ( if we get one this year) with more trips to France,Scotland and Eire.

All ideas welcome

2nd Jan 2008, 20:54
Caernarfon and doing an orbit of snowdon on return , great flying

2nd Jan 2008, 21:14
Tha needs ta come north a bit, chum. :)

Gamston; Netherthorpe (helps you concentrate on the numbers a bit). Sheffield or owt else tha fancies.

3rd Jan 2008, 06:04
Visit Brussels! Land on EBGB, that's 15 minutes from the city.

aldo comming from the UK you will have to land first on another international airport.

3rd Jan 2008, 07:22
Try Great Oakley 7 miles east of Colchester. Beautiful scenery, estuaries and the lovely Suffolk coast.

Small Rodent Driver
3rd Jan 2008, 08:46
Is it possible to fly into Cosford for a reasonable fee?

A good destination.

Free entry to the museum which also has a decent caff.

3rd Jan 2008, 09:01
Try Nottingham ( Tollerton )

Its only 10 min cab ride to the city:)

3rd Jan 2008, 09:37
RAF Woodvale

3rd Jan 2008, 10:58
how about East Midlands to experience a large airport.
or Bruntingthorpe (haven't been there myself yet)

DX Wombat
3rd Jan 2008, 11:10
Halfpenny Green, Sleap? Halfpenny Green has three (six if you count both ends) runways and Sleap has a little museum. Flying to Sleap would also give you good experience of flying through Shawbury MATZ. :ok: No need to worry about it though, the ATCOs are unfailingly patient, polite and very helpful. Cosford landing fees are set by Strike Command and are, therefore, rather expensive :( but the museum is great. :ok: Just remember to take some cash with you if you wish to purchase anything in the cafe. The last time I was there they didn't have a facility for using a card except in the shop.

3rd Jan 2008, 11:19
Go a bit further & try Old Sarum - lovely people, great restaurant :ok:

3rd Jan 2008, 18:42
we did this early this year, in 9 microlights. It is only only permitted on weekdays and a fairly early afternoon departure is required.

The landing fee is about 14 pounds but if you advise them that you are on a training flight a 75% discount is applied. Unfortunately you still have to pay the full fees for parking and admin which come to about 7 pounds. Cash only.

The museum is then free entrance and the cafe does good, cheap food, the service was very quick which assists with the early afternoon departure.

There is no fuel for visitors.

All in all, we thought it was a really good day out. Ideal for the shorter days of the year when an early departure is needed due to darkness falling.


3rd Jan 2008, 20:42
Thanks a lot for all your ideas:D-will give one a try this Saturday wx permitting.

(Stern-I will need something a bit quicker than a 152/172 to get to Brussels with a stop on the way within an hour from Cov but certainly worth a look in the Summer-I have relatives there).


3rd Jan 2008, 21:14
Why not visit Sturgate for our annual Breakfast patrol fly in


Get past the patrols and get a free breakfast.

Mark T