View Full Version : ATC Instructors: Consultancy

9th Dec 2007, 12:27
I am offered Consultancy in the ME: can anyone enlighten me as to some "standard conditions"? Or is it each "Consultancy" at its own peril??

The pay is attached to the USD so is in (terminal) decline vs Euro/GBP. Tax free, however!

Does USD6000 per month seem a common baseline pay: + hotel accom.; + transport allowance; + little else??

I would expect a parity rate at USD of 75% for experience would better acquit?? Let's say: USD 90k tax free??

What say you??

The POCPICADOOR!:confused:

9th Dec 2007, 17:41
Gudday Pocpicadoor

Can you enlighten me about which part of the ME you're referring to?
PM if you like and I'll be more than happy to respond with some info for you.


9th Dec 2007, 17:48
You are getting shafted!
consultancy rates are around GBP 300 a day.

10th Dec 2007, 12:36
TP: Dubai Emirates Aviation College: from what I hear, they provide technical training to EK groundstaff and assess ESL.


10th Dec 2007, 13:53
I would firstly get the salary quoted in UAE Dirhams as that way if the peg is changed or got rid of you won't be out of pocket as much. That is if you can get them up to $10,000 USD a month, get it put in the contract as 36,800 dhs a month as then if the peg is changed eg. 1USD=3.68AEDs changed to 1USD=3.5AEDs you will still be on 36,800 and not on 35,000.

Secondly I would aim for a minimum of the above figure, that is 36,800 AEDs, plus provided accomodation, plus transport (or transport allowance), plus return flight to and from, plus medical. This would then put you in about the area you should be, as Dubai is a very expensive place to live.

Good Luck.

10th Dec 2007, 13:58
And most importantly a 10,000 DHS book of vouchers monthly for the Barasti Bar, its thirsty work out here! :p

10th Dec 2007, 16:15
Agree with all of the above comments, you are getting screwed.

If you check some of the ME threads on here you will also notice that Dubai is one heck of an expensive place to live.

I would be looking around US$10,000 a month, plus good accomodation, airfares, utilities etc.

Check your PM's, I have a bit of Otago in me as well !!! :ok:


11th Dec 2007, 18:38
Hey Poc

Where did you find out about the jobs or would be giving away too much ?(could be a doz Speights in it - or should I send those to BB?)


12th Dec 2007, 11:21
I was put in touch with "Emirates Airlines" recruitment page: they advertised for an Chief instructor ATC and a couple of sidekicks; you have to do a bit of page navigation to locate the jobs: guesss i'll continue this side of "the ditch'' and milk the local arrangements at the EAC poverty offerings price.


Capt Zorro
12th Dec 2007, 19:12

the ATC chief instructor position has been filled, not sure about the rest.

see your inbox for PM I sent you.

8th Apr 2008, 20:53
It is with great sadness that I must advise that the position is still vacant. As with the rest of the EMIRATES standards, the first applicant will get the job and be alone as all staff has resigned!
Applicants please!!! Urgent!!!

22nd Apr 2008, 07:28
A kanuuk and an Oz are to the rescue!:sad::sad: