View Full Version : Updating of charts - who is responsible

Scottie Dog
8th Dec 2007, 15:55
Another question from somebody outside of this side of the industry, however I am sure that I will receive a useful response from one of the Manchester controllers - since everybody is helpful on here!!

I was looking at the latest charts for MAN on the UKAIP and noticed that newly introduced stop-bars - specifically N1 - have not been shown, despite the signs having been installed at the airport. Neither do these appear in the next 28 day release. Additionally there appears to be a glaring error with regards to the renaming of taxiways - the latest chart states in the footnotes that taxiway B has been renamed JB, but this has not of course happened.

So, there is my question. Who is responsible for the updates and how quickly are they normally released.

Scottie Dog

8th Dec 2007, 16:03
It is up to the service provider to notify changes to published information. In the UK the provision of airfield lighting and markings, technically, is not considered to be an ATC function/responsibility but rather falls under the auspices of the airport operator (although sometimes airfiels and ATC are provided by the same organisation). In this case it would be the responsibility of Manchester Airport plc to ensure that the information is correct.....watched over by the CAA.

Scottie Dog
9th Dec 2007, 21:42

Thanks for the reply - much appreciated.

Geezers of Nazareth
10th Dec 2007, 13:23
Thread drift (slightly) ...

There is a glaring and embarassing mistake on the current Heathrow 'airfield map'. In fact, the error has been there for quite a few years. I have an June 2005 copy, and I know that the same error is still there on the August 2007 copy.

The error is on the smaller A4 sized, double-sided diagram, and I think that it's also on the larger (A2?) sized poster.

On the bottom of the A4 chart it says 'produced by HAL, EIC, HPN Ground floor', but it doesn't give any clues as to who to report corrections to.

What would they give me if I report a correction, I wonder?

PPRuNe Radar
10th Dec 2007, 16:20
There is a glaring and embarassing mistake on the current Heathrow 'airfield map'. In fact, the error has been there for quite a few years. I have an June 2005 copy, and I know that the same error is still there on the August 2007 copy.

Is it the map in the AIP ?? That's the definitive legal one for crews and ATC to use. Third party suppliers might not display the same information or correct errors quickly, or even guarantee it's correct in the first place.

Geezers of Nazareth
11th Dec 2007, 15:34
Sorry, don't know ... How would I (easily) get to see the AIP one?

11th Dec 2007, 15:42
You can find it here (http://www.ais.org.uk/aes/pubs/aip/pdf/aerodromes/32LL0201.PDF)

There is another UK aerodrome with a new tower which was the subject of much wrangling between different bits of the airport and the CAA because it was such a prominent obstacle. Then, once they'd built it, it took more than a year before it was marked on the aerodrome chart in the AIP or listed as an obstacle in the AIP text!