View Full Version : Sticky tape???? It's not Blue Peter you know...

Controversial Tim
7th Dec 2007, 10:53
It's a dammed sight more technical than that!

It's bodge tape/speed tape/most of the aircraft.

Mirror 'story' (http://www.mirror.co.uk:80/news/topstories/2007/12/06/raf-sticky-tape-holds-our-planes-together-89520-20210148/)

And I guess it was a 50/50 on getting the right photo.

7th Dec 2007, 11:00
Who was the ex-RAF man, groundcrew, aircrew, cook or a MT driver? Or maybe somebody else with an axe to grind!:ugh:

8th Dec 2007, 20:14
Without speed and bodge tape (uncle Gaffa to all on stage) the RAF would have ceased to function long ago. Many a liney has repaired everything either of these supplies, his trusty leatherman and a maglite.

8th Dec 2007, 21:23
Thats why its called "the force", because it has a light and a dark side and generally holds the universe together

Krystal n chips
9th Dec 2007, 06:00
With the standard of literacy displayed in the paragraph that begins "Raf chiefs", the chances of any form of erudite technical reporting are slim to non existent. The "ex R.A.F.man" comes from the same school of minimalist thinking ( a pre-requisite for bone idle bone heads ) as "top bosses / experts" etc. and had the average journo actually been sober enough to look closely at many civilian aircraft over the years, it might have noted the odd patch or two of speed tape was also present on the airframe at times. The fact that the tape has been in use for many years, safely, will not have registered with them....or simply been ignored as being precisely that....a fact.

Two's in
9th Dec 2007, 13:25
can carry 128 passengers

That would be a fun trip after a Mess curry night.

Pontius Navigator
9th Dec 2007, 13:36
How about Loadmaster stuffs pillow into gap in the door?

This was a few years ago and it was very noisy in the cargo bay. It did not seem to affect the pressurisation.