View Full Version : Name changes at Swanwick

27th Nov 2007, 00:59
Just seen the advance AIRAC 2007-12 entry of

amend ‘London TCC’ to ‘NATS Swanwick Terminal Control’ and ‘London ACC’ to ‘NATS Swanwick Area Control’

Does that you folks are going to be "rebranded" again?

Personally I think the "NATS" bit should have been dropped from the titles above.

27th Nov 2007, 10:30
Another job for someone somewhere; what is it with continually thinking of things to rename.

LACC & LTCC to ‘London TCC’ to ‘NATS Swanwick Terminal Control’ and ‘London ACC’ to ‘NATS Swanwick Area Control’

National Air Traffic Services to NATS

Watch letters to colours.

How much have all these unnecessary name changes cost the company?

Couldn't it be better spent? :ugh:

What's next to change?

Maybe Controllers will be renamed Customer Service Advisors? :rolleyes:

Atcham Tower
27th Nov 2007, 10:47
I doubt it, bearing in mind pronunciation problems for foreigners, but will the RT callsign change from London to Swanwick Control?

27th Nov 2007, 11:22
No. It will still be "London Control"


27th Nov 2007, 11:33
Just as the the centre/site at West Drayton was/is known as West Drayton and it used to contain Area Control and Terminal control so its the same for Swanwick. The difference being that its NATS Swanwick and it contains London Area Control (Swanwick) and London Terminal Control (Swanwick). So for ATC its LAC (Swanwick) and LTC (Swanwick) both based at NATS Swanwick. The GM is the GM NATS Swanwick and in ATC terms he is the GM London Control (Swanwick).
Clearer? ;)


27th Nov 2007, 16:33

TC Ops told us that Terminal Control would now be Swanwick(TC) and Area would be Swanwick(AC).

Our Mats 2 has already been changed to reflect this, and then the names have already been changed again - or were we just given the wrong ones by TC in the first place?

27th Nov 2007, 17:15
Our Mats 2 has already been changed to reflect this, and then the names have already been changed again - or were we just given the wrong ones by TC in the first place?
Lets just say that the CAA disagreed with the original names sent to them.


250 kts
27th Nov 2007, 19:38
So the callsign doesn't change-so what's wrong with the London Area and Terminal Control Centre-oh I know it's too close to being abbreviated to LATCC- which is just what it is.:D:D

Maybe that's not forward enough thinking and doesn't involve a "change of culture", something that our temporary "Integration Manager" is keen to pursue. Still we have had our watch names changed to colours BUT with a (AC) or (TC) tagged on in the name of integration. Oh, and we work different core shift times. And we have different methods of rostering. Need I go on?? Integration my :mad:but spin of the highest level.:mad::mad::mad:

Record traffic levels with reducing delays and an exemplary safety record is obviously not enough. :ugh::ugh:

27th Nov 2007, 20:21
Thread drift, but I wonder what they'll do when MACC moves up here. Will 'Scottish' and 'London' (MACC) both be be altered to 'Prestwick'?

If they're all going to be in the same Ops Room with a common management structure and multiple-sector validations held on sectors currently at different units, I can't see the names remaining as they are currently.

PS 250 kts, has 250KTS been shown the door?:E

28th Nov 2007, 02:50
MACC is called Manchester on the RT, not London.

28th Nov 2007, 07:13
Sorry - my mistake! Even so, still recon a name change will be in the pipeline.

Ali Bongo
28th Nov 2007, 08:35
MANchester and PrestICK will be known as MANIC control and all instructions will be delivered in a high pitched shriek. :ok:

Talla Radar
28th Nov 2007, 09:20
No decision has been made yet about either the unit name or the callsign for NPC.

28th Nov 2007, 09:34
all instructions will be delivered in a high pitched shriek

They won't need to. VCCS does that already.

King Muppet
28th Nov 2007, 11:00
Maybe Controllers will be renamed Customer Service Advisors?
- "We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls, please wait for an advisor. Your call is important to us." :E

28th Nov 2007, 11:01
It's only a matter of time until we're outsourced to India.

28th Nov 2007, 11:23
Whilst ambling around NERC (it will always be that to me ) in the middle of the night, I came across a glossy bit of paper on a wall stating that TC would be assimilated into AC with no negative safety impact!!
Apart from usual bolloxspeak, it seems we are to become part of the BORG collective.
Can I be joined to 7 of 9?

40612 now a pile of scrap in Arizona

3rd Dec 2007, 01:04
That number, brings back memories......

C141 Starlifter - but who are you.............????? :):):):):):)

3rd Dec 2007, 03:45
And a lot of other places IIRC.

Used to see that "comment" in the area of a certain aviation shop by the Master Robert Motel in Hounslow, where I worked for a few years back in the 70's.

3rd Dec 2007, 10:13
MANchester and PrestICK will be known as MANIC control and all instructions will be delivered in a high pitched shriek. :ok:

Ah she's not coming back again is she?