View Full Version : Correct R/T for a non-precision approach?

flying finn
22nd Nov 2007, 23:23
Could someone remind me what the correct UK ATC r/t is when vectoring an aircraft for a non-precision approach to an airfield; i.e. are you "cleared for the xx approach", or is it always "intercept xx, report established" => "descend with the procedure"? Any differences if the approach is flown procedurally?

References for this would be helpful, as CAP 413 is a little vague on the matter!

many thanks in advance,

2 sheds
23rd Nov 2007, 08:32

Quite correct - in the UK, CAP413, for all its verbosity, still avoids the issues in some areas. Vectoring for a non-precision approach, apart from SRA, is one such area, probably because nobody realises that it is sometimes required. With the recent (UK) revised ILS phraseology, presumably one could infer "when established on the XXX final approach track, descend with the procedure" plus an appropriate range check (see MATS 1).