View Full Version : Burns Night

8th Nov 2007, 11:37
I am in the early throes of organising a Burns Night Supper in the Mess for 25th Jan. I am asking if any members of this forum have any good do’s and don`ts. Perhaps you have some anecdotal story to pass on or have any ideas on how to make a good night out even better. I am especially interested in any web links to suitable Burns poems that can be translated into English. Many thanks for any help or advice. :)

8th Nov 2007, 11:52
Best one that I heard of was Burns's "Wee timorous beastie" read by a husband and wife. They would take turns at reading a passage from a modified version of the poem, this version being more about the gentlemens tackle rather than a mouse. Can't remember much other than the whole mess was in stitches.

It was supposedly very well done and had excellent timing.

8th Nov 2007, 12:25
Lots of good stuff on these sites:





Google's a wonderful thing!


An Teallach
8th Nov 2007, 13:40
members of this forum have any good do’s and don`ts

Recalling Supermario's legendary performance at the '94 ALD Burns Supper, I'd suggest that you ensure that no matter how senior the officer, if they manage to position themselves where they are the only whisky-fiend within reach of one of the bottles of 'Morangie on the table, you keep an eye on them!

8th Nov 2007, 13:50
But god was it funny ....... the sight of Mrs Mario trying to pull him down and stop him speaking will go down in history.

An Teallach
8th Nov 2007, 14:11
And a 'black affronted' Mrs Mario was something no man (nor superhero) would like to get on the wrong side of!

8th Nov 2007, 15:14
any web links to suitable Burns poems that can be translated into English.

You need a jock that can read them as they are! You shouldn't be translating.

8th Nov 2007, 15:30
I'm sure one of these guys would oblige... http://www.replicaters.com/Doublets/doublets%20raf.jpg
If you can't/won't do the 'full monty', the RAFA flog these:http://www.rafashop.com/T27.jpg http://www.rafashop.com/T26.jpg('RAF Tartan' BTW)

8th Nov 2007, 15:49
Tigs, au contraire, my local Burns' Night has long involved forced recital (in suitable Scottish stylee) of selected verses from Burns' finest works by anyone at the table, Scots descent or not (chosen at random ;) from a lottery number affixed to the underside of the place name setting). This has resulted in much hilarity over the years, notably from a Sqn Boss who realised he was about to be stitched up and substituted a suitably pre-rehearsed Jockanese version of The Proclaimers 'Letter From America' for the nominated Burns verse! On another occasion, a poor unfortunate who had been enjoying the whisky was tasked to recite the famous Burns ditty 'Cock up yer Beaver'. Partway through recital, his befuddled brain realised that there was some serious innuendo to be had from these words, and he proceeded to ham it up for all his worth to the great mirth of the assembled diners!:D

Dominoe, pm me for ideas - I have had the pleasure of organising a fair few Burns' Suppers in my time!

Rod Hugger
8th Nov 2007, 16:23
Regardless of the poetry, the main requirement for a successful Burns night is a strong, credible, Scottish laird and a kin loud, in-tune piper.

Also important, too much banging on by the real fanatical Burns experts can lead to boredom for the non-celtic clientele - time has to be left for some bar room banter after all,


8th Nov 2007, 16:31
agreed, my point was that you cannot translate into english!

8th Nov 2007, 18:41
Good to see Huggie looking as impressed as ever in front of a camera. :)

At a Burns night at Wyton, 2000, with a lack of Scots, the toast to the Lasses was done by an Aussie. Had everyone in fits of laughter, with requests for copies of his speech.
