View Full Version : Pass The Parcel

31st Oct 2007, 11:08
Flying back to the studes tomorrow after a few weeks walking the dog Downunder! (worlds longest commute?)
Be interested to know exactly the routing and who will be providing me and my fellow pax with an ATC service from Oz tomorrow.
Radar or procedural?
Etihad EY018 Sydney - Abu Dhabi
Etihad EY450 Abu Dhabi- Heathrow.
Sunday 1800 ish EasyJet Gatwick - Prague!
Thanks all in advance.:D

31st Oct 2007, 11:23
From Heathrow to Gatwick sectors will be A4 then M4 then M25 the M23.:}

31st Oct 2007, 12:35
I agree that ATC is like a big game of pass the parcel - but what's inside the last wrapper?!!!

While you're in Oz airspace you'll be subject to a mix of radar/procedural control. Starting with radar ex-Sydney, but as you fly further NW you will be out of radar coverage for a while unless your FPL takes you through Darwin or Perth areas where you'll get a last taste of radar before heading over water.

Basically we have radar coverage from Cairns in Nth Qld all around the east coast to Adelaide, then there's a bit of a gap until you get to Perth and a bigger gap up to Darwin.

Of course, good ol' TAAATS gives a lovely illusion of radar control in procedural airspace using flight plan tracks, but ATC is still restricted to procedural standards (in case HAL2000 and Eurocat are related).:eek:

31st Oct 2007, 15:05
Once your in the Asia, Sub-Continent region inbound to Abu Dhabi you will hit another cocktail of Oceanic Procedural (Rangoon, Mali, Mumbai etc.) and Radar.

In the Mumbai FIR, once clear of the landmass to the west, is all procedural until you hit the far east boundary of the Muscat FIR which is the next Area Control Center with full radar (thankfully as it was a bugga to work that boundary when we didn't have the cover! :uhoh:)

Once released from Muscat you will spend about 38 seconds with UAE control (thank you RJ !!!! :mad:) then to Abu Dhabi Approach. With all things hopefully running smoothly by that stage and no fog, over to the tower. Upon landing you may be lucky enough to get a marshaller....who hopefully will be using visual separation! :p

Enjoy your flight and thank you for flying with the fox! :cool: