View Full Version : Missing Slots

27th Oct 2007, 00:31
Hey, I work for an airline but unfortunately I'm stuck in the back dealing with documentation and manuals (they'll kill me one day I swear).

I'm trying to get to grips with how slot times work. Specifically, how they're issued and what the procedure is if an a/c misses one. How much of an inconvenience it is to you and the a/c behind.

I always read the flight delay updates on our intranet system and so often the reason given is "Missed ATC Slot". Obviously we've taken too long boarding or fueling or the crew arrived late or whatever. So what happens on your end?

27th Oct 2007, 07:59
The CFMU Library (http://www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int/cfmu/public/site_preferences/display_library_list_public.html), including the ATFCM User's Manual may help.

Sorry to point you at yet more manuals, but it's a fairly good introduction to the details of slots.

Chilli Monster
27th Oct 2007, 10:27
I always read the flight delay updates on our intranet system and so often the reason given is "Missed ATC Slot". Obviously we've taken too long boarding or fueling or the crew arrived late or whatever. So what happens on your end?

Simple answer - not a lot. If a flight misses a slot then they have to delay their FPL to a realistic time of departure, they also have to accept the next slot they're given. This might be brought forward by submitting a READY message but that's not always the case. We, as ATC, have a 15 minute slot "window" -5/+10 minutes we can use to facilitate the traffic sequence, occasionally we might be able to get you an extra 5 minutes on top of that. But if the flight isn't going to make that, then it's up to the crew / Flight Ops department to sort that out.

Local ATC have no control over the slots issued - that's all done by CFMU. As such we're purely the middle men involved.

good egg
28th Oct 2007, 17:51
Depends of course on the infrastructure of the airport, i.e. stand availability. Not usually a problem at larger airports but can cause significant difficulties at smaller ones with limited aircraft parking space.