View Full Version : Are CDAs used at Brum?

Mister Geezer
24th Oct 2007, 19:38
This has probably been answered somewhere else but I could not find anything!

Would be helpful if someone could clarify if this is the case since if it is then a few of my colleagues need a poke to get them to adapt their descent planning!

24th Oct 2007, 20:00
Believe BHX has just started night time CDA's.

Any operators care to comment on feedback from the airport?

Mister Geezer
24th Oct 2007, 22:10
The airspace around BHX is quite complex and there are many reasons why a straight in will not be allowed. As a pilot I may not be best qualified to answer your query but I think I have got a good grasp of what goes on.

As far as I am aware the handoffs between London and Manchester to Birmingham are controlled by 'Standing Agreements' which cut down on the coordination e.g. always being handed off at FL80 to HON. The Manchester and London frequencies that deal with aircraft just before they are handed off are both complicated and often congested at times since they deal with all sorts of traffic and I am sure they would not have a great deal of time to phone Birmingham to ask if a straight in approach will be likely for every arrival. The chap on the Welin (130.925) sector at London doesn't know off the top of his head how many Birmingham inbounds the Stafa (134.425) controller at Manch is controlling and vice versa. So at best they will have a rough idea if you will get a straight in or not!

Remember that if you are going to HON at FL80 you could be the only inbound in the sky but remember the southbound SIDs off 33 which turn you to the east of the field. So it may be quiet with inbounds and you may still be kept high since the departure off 33 could cause a confliction. The chap on Welin (130.925) will probably have no scooby if this is likely to arise unless he phones Birmingham which is why sometimes it may seem they guess it will be a straight in for 33 and it turns out to be vectors after HON!

Are CDAs in use now? Are the airport publishing performance tables?

26th Oct 2007, 12:40
I've heard via the jungle drums beating that CDAs are coming into force at Birmingham over the next fews months. Night time only at first then a full H24 procedure.
London I believes start at 6000ft, Manchester starts at 5000ft and Birmingham starts at 4000ft.
Whilst on the subject of Manchester, when are they going top go H24 with CDAs rather than maintaining night time only when we can be bothered policy??

26th Oct 2007, 18:06
CDA's are being introduced at Birmingham. We are going through a trial period at the moment to establish the correct procedures. We started off doing night time only but now it is in the day as well during less busy periods. All based airlines at Birmingham have received the information on what we are doing and we have asked for feedback so if you have not been advised, ask for the information from your ATC liason pilot (if you have one) or call ATC and we will give you the details. Reports will be published in the future to show how we are doing but we need to make sure we have the procedures right in the first place. We think it will benefit everyone if we get it right and that will require the pilots co-operation so let ATC have your comments.