View Full Version : ATCO jobs in the Channel Islands??

16th Oct 2007, 20:22
I heard a rumour the other day that they’re now looking for ATCOs in the Channel Islands? I made an enquiry a few years ago about working down there and was told they only employed locals?? So if they are recruiting outsiders what’s changed? Are they still run by local government or do NATS have some involvement? Do they have UK or French licences??


16th Oct 2007, 20:40
Yes they are recruiting in Jersey, see the advert in F****t International.
Seems unusual in that they are after permanent non-local ATCO's.

16th Oct 2007, 23:17
What happened to in house training there?
there used to be a regular stream of CI bods going through the colleges, if they stopped that they've only themselves to blame for a shortfall in staff.
Even in the "closed" market, few outsiders can afford to relocate to JA.JB or JJ.

17th Oct 2007, 04:06
do you have a link to the advert? can't find anything on the f****t international hp....

17th Oct 2007, 07:51
They still have in house training (with BAE systems), but there have been some recent failures and there is a lack of 'off-island' experience.

I think it is the first time for over 20 years that non-local residents are being recruited and being offered permanent residence in Jersey.

17th Oct 2007, 18:26

19th Oct 2007, 15:34
Just to correct the links for this position.....



man friday
22nd Oct 2007, 11:38
how highs the cost of living in Jersey. Using the pint of beer, loaf of bread and litre of unleaded benchmark?

rex, do you know how many atcos theyre looking at recruiting?

Red Dragon
22nd Oct 2007, 12:27
....and with 4 bed semis starting at half a million!!:ooh:

man friday
22nd Oct 2007, 13:11
ouch!!! what about the essentials in life whats the prices like on beer and fags

22nd Oct 2007, 17:37
Still you could be getting £74K, with a maximum of 20 percent tax and not too much stress...with surfing and a bit more sunshine thrown in...Forgot you can also retire at 55 and then live as a permanent resident in Jersey!!
There are worse places to work I think!

22nd Oct 2007, 17:39
Beer and fags are a little cheaper than UK as no VAT.

Petrol is cheaper than UK - although 40mph max speed limit!

Groceries can be more expensive than UK because of transport costs (or at least that is the argument put forward by the supermarkets)

Property is the most expensive thing as the Island is only 9 miles by 5 miles, so land is at a premium.

Quality of life is excellent with good schools and healthcare system. Excellent beaches with golden sand. Great restaurants. It wouldn't be such a popular tourist destination if it didn't have some great positive aspects.

ATC wise, one of the most varied and challenging places to work in the UK with the Class A airspace and the size and responsibilities of the Jersey Zone.

Hurry up with applications though as expiry is end of the month!!!

If you want a full UK to Jersey comparison look at the following link...
Although it will take sometime to read!!!

22nd Oct 2007, 20:10
The only downside (aside from cost of housing) I can think of, is that its Island life.
Island life affects some more than others and it's worth considering carefully before you make the leap.
Should you need or want to get away, individually or with your family, it's as expensive as hell on the ferry during school holidays, none of the airlines carry cars anymore.

I would venture that the younger you and your family (if any) are, the easier the transition will be.

man friday
23rd Oct 2007, 16:40
its a tempting picture youre painting! and 9x5 is huge in comparrison with fantasy islands 2.5x0.5!!!