View Full Version : A noice little earner?

B A Lert
15th Oct 2007, 06:23
I wonder how many Qantas shareholders who were, until the APA bid, participating in the now defunct Dividend Reinvestment Plan 'caught short' and have experienced a delayed dividend payment because The Rat did not have details of Bank Accounts for electronic lodgment of the latest dividend?

I have carefully watched my mail and the only inkling of a delay in paying the latest dividend was late last month when told the amount of the payment but couldn't be paid blah blah blah. I wonder of this ploy was intentional on the part of Qantas or an oversight by some over-paid work experience kiddie? Whatever, Qantas now has the additional use of quite a few million ('000s??) dollars for a few weeks.

A nice windfall if ever there was one. :E:E:E

15th Oct 2007, 06:39
Mine was also with held for a while BA.:uhoh:

QF, bring back the DRP please.:ok:

15th Oct 2007, 09:04
QF, bring back the DRP please.

A while your at it, get GD to spruik some doom and gloom so the share price drops to pre APA bid levels.

Didn't the last shareholder presentation mention something about an on market buyback? Would this be at odds with a DRP?

15th Oct 2007, 09:44
Didn't the last shareholder presentation mention something about an on market buyback? Would this be at odds with a DRP?

Depends on the desk driver who is making decisions on the day LME-400, if they buy them back when they are cheaper and sell them to us in the DRP when they are a little dearer (as many shares are near the record date) they will make a little there, possibly even enough to pay the whole dividend, so I can't see how the DRP is a bad thing from the company point of view.

15th Oct 2007, 10:31
If you look up the ASX web site and then go to the company announcements for QAN you'll find that they've been buying back pretty hard over the last few weeks.

call button
15th Oct 2007, 11:41
Yeah great idea!

Lets buy back the shares at around $5.90 when we could have bought them for $5.10 or so just before the APA bid or even $4.00 a few months before then (when we all know that APA was circling).

With an intent of around 200 million shares in the buy back, thats only a cool $160-$380million or so of shareholder funds we're mucking around with.

Qantas management, brilliant!

15th Oct 2007, 11:46
Well whatever they are doing I am sure it will end up lining their own pockets!:yuk: