View Full Version : Tower or Enroute licencee cross-training to Approach/Terminal

13th Oct 2007, 15:02
Morning folks,

Anyone in the know care to share what is the approximate duration of a cross training course with NATS/AirServices/other ANS for a licenced Enroute controller (or Tower, point is never having undergone APP/Terminal training before) to cross train to Approach (or Terminal depending upon what country we're talking about). How long in the classroom? How long in the sim until live OJT? How long OJI? Do they start "generic" then focus on sector specific later?

Thanks in advance

tori chelli
13th Oct 2007, 19:53
In the UK, an Area ATCO without an Approach rating would have to get the rating at a college. How long's that? 3 months?? Thereafter, you may get some 'acceleration' time within the Unit Training Plan if the individual was good enough to justify accelerating.


Standard Noise
14th Oct 2007, 16:02
Snow getting to one is it?:p

14th Oct 2007, 17:52

I'm teaching such a course at the moment, and was curious about others, tis all.

15th Oct 2007, 02:30
I'm doing it now in Melbourne... For Canberra Approach.

College 3 weeks, generic sim and classroom (Traninng needs analysis)

Then the normal course:
SIM 12 shifts, included classroom lessons specific to Local Instructions etc. Sim exit check.
OJTI 6 weeks, depends on how I go... Progress check at 4.5 weeks in or there abouts.

15th Oct 2007, 03:16
ML has only taken ENR applicants (no one from Tower for years) from busy radar sectors where possible.
3 weeks college
a few sim cycles (if you can get them!)
about 6 months field training (to FPC)

My gut feeling is it would take significantly more training to get tower controllers to rating standard (no offense intended). This would be mainly because the tower controllers have mostly never done ENR and would be behind in the vectoring skills and rt.


15th Oct 2007, 13:46
Thank you Blocka and Blues :ok:

Any UK folk out there? FAA?

16th Oct 2007, 21:28
Well, you should know about the UK!

You're treated as an ab initio, no dispensations, so three months at a college of choice for approach procedural or radar (theory and sim), followed by about 150 hours of live training.

17th Oct 2007, 04:04
I did leave there nearly 4 years ago. My memory ain't that good.