View Full Version : Any flying controllers ?

7th Oct 2007, 20:54
hi there

are there any controllers who have or intend to get professional flying qualifications (either FI or ATPL) and have used / are using the ATC profession as a stepping stone towards a flying career ?

If so, would you say that your ATC job (once validated of course) makes it possible to train and study towards CPL/IR ?

thanks for reading


conflict alert
8th Oct 2007, 06:33
I concur with stepping stone. I know a few who have used ATC as a way to pay for advanced training and progression in the flying side of things, I also know more who have either gone flying to ATC or ATC - flying - back to ATC.

Before I got into ATC I had a CPL, IR, and ME, gliding/tow rating and drop rating. I thought about full time flying but I was enjoying ATC. I elected to make ATC my full time career which allowed me to do all of the above part time, which is the best of both worlds. Pick and choose when I want to fly and quite frankly the amount of times I'm sitting on the ground with a cup of coffee talking to guys/gals getting hammered by crap weather and listening to the stress in their voices - I'm quite glad I can pick and choose when I fly.

Anyway, each to there own.

8th Oct 2007, 06:59
I've met plenty of failed pilots who came into ATC and failed ATCOs who became pilots - at least three ex-Heathrow ATC Assistant colleagues are now training captains with large airlines. There are lots of people doing both - on my ATC Watch at least three Heathrow ATCOs were also commercial pilots holding ATPLs and flying in command. Many, many ATCOs fly for fun too.

8th Oct 2007, 07:20
Best of both worlds (as previously mentioned) is to be an ATCO and choose when to go flying. When the wx is sh!tty and the pilots are struggling, I prefer to watch the proceedings from the tower!!

8th Oct 2007, 15:18
Thanks everyone, very interesting feedback


heading 125
8th Oct 2007, 18:27
Does anyone know any ATCOs working part time as flying instructors and full time as an ATCO. Has their employer put an restrictions on them.

Spamcan defender
8th Oct 2007, 18:55
Funnily enough I am looking to do this in the not so distant future.
At the moment I have a PPL/IMC to which I'm going to add a CPL, Instructors Rating and (very possibly) an IR. Looking to instruct part time, possibly on twins and perhaps even a bit of IR instructing (eventually).
Cant see NATS having much of a gripe as long as it doesnt interfere with my day job and is not causing me to be fatigued.


8th Oct 2007, 21:13
Don't you believe it, Spamcan. I was a full-time ATCO with nats with a secondary employment approval as an FI. This was revoked as a result of an infamous management purge on secondary employment some years ago. ATCOs at other units were allowed to carry on willy-nilly FI and/or flying corporate in their (own) spare time. Such gross inconsistencies between nats units is iniquitous. Be VERY careful. Check first with your 'here today, gone tomorrow' Manager ATS before spending lots of money.

9th Oct 2007, 12:55
Full time ATCO here and also Flight instructor (for private pilots only) in Paris, but only doing volunteer and unpaid flight instruction.

heading 125
10th Oct 2007, 09:23
Surely in NATS if it is voluntary and unpaid work as an FI in your own spare time NATS cannot stop you.

10th Oct 2007, 13:10
Sure, nats do get a bit lost for words when it is unpaid. The Employment manual specifies (or used to specify) secondary 'paid employment'. But if you have spent a lot of money getting a CPL and FI it's a bit painful when the work is unremunerated. FI renewal costs aren't cheap. I personally think that some of nats ill-considered secondary employment restrictions are an intrusion on civil liberties. nats are quite happy to drag an ATCO out of the rest room to deal with a non-IMC pilot lost in IMC in the TMA (which is what happened to me) yet fail to encourage ATCO air experience. Talk to your Manager ATS before commitment and get any approval or disapproval in writing. You can bet your bottom dollar any decision will be inconsistent with a similar situation at a different nats unit

10th Oct 2007, 13:58
I think that it's very unprofessional for ATCOs to even consider flying commercially in their spare time. I know I wouldn't!
Think of all of those poor "wannabe" pilots being kept out of the cockpit by these individuals that have perfectly good, well paid, jobs in their Towers, and behind their 'scopes.

P.S. What's that smell?

10th Oct 2007, 16:05
That's our manager ATS, Cambioso!
Good to read you again, Dear Boy..........Fuel and Noise!

10th Oct 2007, 21:55
I had my CPL before I got into ATC.

Mostly just do pleasure flying these days on my own coin, however I am passively looking for some flight work on the side for fun, jumpplane, sightseeing, ferrying, what have you, but I'm not trying too hard :)

11th Oct 2007, 06:52
cambioso obviously hasn't been in an ATC Ops Room or he would have seen the prominently placed tin with a slot in the top and a label saying: "Give generously to poor and distressed pilots".

11th Oct 2007, 08:46
cambioso obviously hasn't been in an ATC Ops Room

I wouldn't have got where I am today by going in an ATC Ops room..............

12th Oct 2007, 09:03
Cambioso is JEZ COOKE!!!!

Hope you are well!


12th Oct 2007, 09:46
Jez.. Who??? Never heard of him!! :-))))


12th Oct 2007, 10:13
Keefy-you dipstick!!....you should have kept it going longer....spoilsport!
I've nothing better to do these days except "push buttons" and decide tea or coffee.
Hope you are all well guys and working really hard - like I used to??!!.
P.S. Is there another Heathrow "evening" on the cards?

12th Oct 2007, 10:15
E watch is not the same without you cambi old chap.

Fancy dusting off that green lid to help my brother in helmand...its a dirty job!

12th Oct 2007, 10:23

strange topic considering im starting with my PPL next week. I myself would eventually want to fly for an airliner in my spare time.

I do however struggle to understand the part where you say we as ATC are preventing other pilots from flying/or persons that want to fly from flying. I have never heared flying companies or control towers ever complain that they have enought people to man the pools or fill the cockpits. I see this as a great way 4 the aviation community to help each other out, while gaining experience on the other side of the freq.

12th Oct 2007, 10:39

Knowing Cambioso, like some of us unfortunately do:ok:, it is said with heavy irony!


12th Oct 2007, 10:54
Thank you.

I take it most of you guys know each other?

12th Oct 2007, 11:18
Jez.. PB is organising a get together at Brooklands Museum on MONDAY 26TH NOVEMBER. For info contact: [email protected]

12th Oct 2007, 11:23
HD may remember a certain ex Heathrow and ex Farnborough controller who also flew; initials were BM. He was seen taxying a Tiger Moth across the grass solo one day by walking at the wingtip (for directional control) and occasionally nipping over to the cockpit to give it a burst of power!

13th Oct 2007, 21:54
Fancy dusting off that green lid to help my brother in helmand...its a dirty job!

Sorry A/t you've lost me there........Don't understand yer banter squiffy.
See you all on the 26th Nov then?????!!!!!
"Turn 'em in""

15th Oct 2007, 07:50
THE RMR!!?? Green Beret? Shame on you Cambioso

16th Oct 2007, 10:20
Doh! Sorry got you now.......

I did try and dust it off, broke a bloody nail and I'm off sick now... sorry!

Hope you're well and that the medication has stabalised you a little.


16th Oct 2007, 11:20
ahhh, the medication! Great stuff!:}

18th Oct 2007, 06:45
Here I'm, ATC waiting for his ATPL (H)......:O