View Full Version : FAA Dispatch Licence - does it get you a job?

18th Jun 2001, 11:25
Hello fellow ppruners

Need some advice.

I am in two minds to for out the dosh to go to the US and complete the FAA Dispatchers course (not too sure where and which company to do it - yet) and then hope to get a job in the UK or overseas?

Is it absoloutely essential to have the licence before applying for jobs?

Can I get work overseas with the licence?

I currently have a PPL - 150 hours and have reached the point in my normal "contract job" where the work is drying up - usual economic downturn.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

no sig
19th Jun 2001, 21:32

It depends, if you're looking to work in an FAA 121 environment then you will need licence, if you're hoping to work in the UK then you don't, provided it is not an airline who ops to FAA req's in that case then you most likely will. You should check each country to determine their requirements.

The FAA licence is a worthwhile and will find you a job, but it not a guarentee.