View Full Version : easyJet SFO fast track to command?

27th Sep 2007, 09:59

If one was to join easy with 4000 hours, including 1500 on A320, what would the likely timescale be for promotion?

Also, which bases are you most likely to get offered? Is Stansted an option?

Any answers gratefully received.

27th Sep 2007, 10:51
Still have to have the factored hours minimum (details on easyjet.com), if you meet that then you could be looked at after 6 months, but you would still join lists for bases and assesements etc behind those allready internally in the system.
STN currently overcrewed with skippers at the moment with a healthy waiting list also.

27th Sep 2007, 11:34

Thanks for the info. I guess what I am getting at is, are you still expanding rapidly? How long realistically would it take to get assessed?

It seems to me that the scheme may just be an easyjet ruse to attract experience otherwise.

27th Sep 2007, 19:00

The most likely route is you'll be asked to compete one six month sim with the company, once you have proven yourself there and with a good track record through line training your base Capt may put you forward for command assesment, which may take a few months in it's self. So i'd plan on 6 mths to 1 year.

I've lost count of our fleet its growing so fast! According to jethros we have another 118 Airbus orders PLUS 88 options on the Airbus. New bases are planned.

The future Captains have to come from some where!

28th Sep 2007, 07:41
Can someone suggest the bases a new joiner with easy would likely be offered?

28th Sep 2007, 10:57
Thanks for the answers guys. Sounds very interesting and pretty fair too.


28th Sep 2007, 17:52
Only 17 aircraft being delivered over the next year. Training scheduled over the next year is 60 internal commands and only 9 direct entry pilots.

28th Sep 2007, 19:45
STN, I think you and I fly for the same outfit. You may have known one of our very best FOs who left for EZY about three years ago and has only just got his command. I was v p***ed off about this news; he is a brilliant operator.

What has been going on in EZY?

Caveat emptor.

28th Sep 2007, 21:07
perhaps he wasn't as good as you thought, by all accounts EZY standards are highly respected in the industry!

Santas Little Helper
28th Sep 2007, 21:21
perhaps he was'nt orange enough!

shaun ryder
28th Sep 2007, 23:31
Obviously didnt find it that easy..Poor chap

Coffee Black None
29th Sep 2007, 02:08
3000hrs factored
500 on type
2 successive OPC's above average
above average training file

at 2500hrs pre command interview with base captain
at 3000hrs command interview with base captain
3 command assessment flights
1 command simulator assessment detail with TRE.
1 command interview after assessment sim with TRE.
fail command assessment flights and you will be set back 6 months
fail the sim or the upgrade course and you will be set back 1 year

After all this current waiting time is one year for the upgrade course.

As the growth next year is not all that significant but the F/O's will be gaining more experience the command pool will be growing and growing.

BALPA is against DEC's so more and more internal upgrades as they become available.

realistically: from date of joining to command is now 2 years, if you have the hours on joining.

T&C are getting better, fewer people leaving (at least at the moment).

29th Sep 2007, 07:44
I heard the same as Baldrick yesterday, and from a respected training Captain in the know. Not many new joiners next year as we are "overcrewed" and only 17 new aircraft to arrive.